I took a look into this and from what I can see using the players in this screenshot:
Adrian is choosing all the battles with the highest VP rewards
ROB17 is choosing all the battles with the lowest VP awards
It does look balanced from the data I could see.
Because if ROB17 chose the harder battles this point gap either wouldn’t exist or would be much more narrow.
I’ve passed on the feedback about the point scaling according to hero level, but right now the big gaps I’ve looked into seem to be caused by the “easy” battles being chosen most of the time by the lower scoring player.
So if the designers do take this feedback into consideration and do tweak it, you’ll probably still see some decent sized point differences just based on the battles being chosen by each player.
I’ll get back to you folks oonce I have any news about this though.
Just wanted to acknowledge the feedback though and let you know I’ve been reading what you’re saying and passing it on
PS. if anyone has some horrendous opponent/VP choices on their opponent selection screen they want to share in relation to this feedback that would be really helpful!