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New Ultra-Rare Troop: Icespire Shaman

The Icespire Shaman will be available this week for 300 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks’ time.

1000×50 899 Bytes

World Event: Change in the Weather

There are 6 battles that players can encounter during the event: Arcturion, Ice Troll, Frostfire Troll, The Frostfire King, Borealis, and Ullor. This event has 3 Phases:

  • Phase 1 – The first 2 battles are the only available battles to play, and have an equal chance of appearing. Players will need to win 15 battles here to progress to the next phase.
  • Phase 2 – The first 4 battles are the only available battles to play, and have an equal chance of appearing. Players will need to win 15 battles here to progress to the next phase.
  • Phase 3 – All 6 battles are now available with an equal chance of appearing. This phase continues until the end of the event.

You can find the following rewards for each of the different battles you may encounter.

  • Arcturion: 4 Lanterns
  • Ice Troll: 5 Lanterns
  • Frostfire Troll: 6 Lanterns
  • The Frostfire King: 7 Lanterns
  • Borealis: 8 Lanterns
  • Ullor: 10 Lanterns

Each Lantern is worth 5 points. The battles will drop a variable number of Lanterns (on average about 1.18x the base amount).

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New Heroic Gem: Freeze Gem

For the next week, we have a new Heroic Gem that players may encounter in puzzle battles, the Freeze Gem.


Freeze Gems can be matched with Blue Gems for Blue Mana, and when matched, they will freeze a random Enemy.

Freeze Gems will occasionally (but rarely) drop like regular Gems during the next 7 days.