Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

23 Jul

22 Jul

21 Jul

20 Jul

19 Jul

18 Jul

17 Jul


Originally posted by Something_Memorable

So if we experienced the same/similar situation should we make a ticket/reply to the open ticket if we have one open?

I submitted a ticket yesterday and got the same response as Enko and I'm fairly certain mine is off by 12 so wanted to know if I need to do anything special.

As for the in-progress items: Gift of Craftsmanship, Gifts of Condensed Might/Magic, Gift of Prosperity, ascended precursors, etc., Would it be helpful if we keep those in one spot on an account or does that not matter?

Edit: I had 17 extra runes, 2 extra complete sets of raid armor, and 2 extra backpacks, totaling what I thought would have been 31 items. What I got was 17 Trunks and 2 Caches. From what I have been hearing I would have thought it would be 29 trunks & 2 caches.

Please reply to your ticket and wait patiently for a reply there. I can't discuss too many specifics here on Reddit, and we'll need you to save all the juicy details for our internal discussion for tracking!


Originally posted by HGLatinBoy

What about people who had excess precursor armor what happens if they finish making it?

I just replied to a similar question from Enko up above before seeing this, but take a look!