
Halo Dev Tracker

22 May


Originally posted by SilverCrest01

I didn’t work on it continuously, but from start to finish, about a week. It was really fun. Also, are you an actual 343 employee?

Also, are you an actual 343 employee?

That's what they tell me!


Originally posted by VenomViper1

Yes, my motivation in life is internet points, well done you guessed it. It’s not like I wanted to decorate my room.

Lol I'm just teasing you. <3


This is great, thanks for sharing!

How long did it take you to do?


Originally posted by VenomViper1

Just you wait friend. My mother is like halfway done on a Halo Reach art. Very good drawing too

waits for /u/VenomViper1Mom to post her art and get more karma than /u/VenomViper1

21 May


Originally posted by Nomoneynoparts

Check the halo waypoint news section as they usually post 4K artwork at the end of each one, also the infinite forums section I believe there’s a pinned post with a few wallpapers ❤️

20 May

18 May


Originally posted by TheAlbinoMosasaurus

But their encounters with chief arent. Things like the falcon and grenade launcher were experimental tech exclusive to reach, and the flood grave mind was a proto mind at that point so pure forms and juggernauts were not possible.

The encounters with Chief are the only ones that are squishy. The rest all work out just fine, and we've actually covered some of them in Canon Fodder issues.

Not a problem at all, it's canon. :)


Originally posted by TheAlbinoMosasaurus

No. Well, kinda. Fireteam raven existed, but then meeting up with cheif, various vehicles and weapons were not at the battle of io4

The story told in FTR is canon. They were present at the battle at i04.


Originally posted by Flipyap

They made a Marcus Lehto action figure? That's kinda amazing.

Came here to say the same thing lol.

17 May


Originally posted by railgun117

10 years since last pc update. I walk the empty streets...

10 years, or 16 days if you count the 4,000+ words in the April update blog.


Originally posted by Malachite_Wrath

Really reeeaaally shouldn't have announced MCC PC and Reach as early as they did. I don't mind it taking time, but it's the time from the announcement which is an issue. If you can't get flights out for an almost decade old game in good time, I'm deeply concerned for Infinite.

Sure, if we could go back in time, knowing what we know now, we probably would've waited to make the announce. Heck, it would've made a cool announce for E3, yeah? But at the time, we had plans and estimates and goals - including a need to get the word out so we could allow ample time to build up a Halo Insider program. We all expected flighting to have started by now but unfortunately some areas of development have proven to be more time consuming than anticipated. Flighting MCC on PC has zero overlap and nothing in common with developing Halo Infinite. In fact, I'd argue it's more challenging dealing with decades old game code with multiple intertwined titles and systems than building a new experience on top of a new custom designed engine and toolset.


Originally posted by JackhammerJake

This is very disappointing. We are almost a full month behind schedule now.

Behind what schedule? We've never really had a date or a schedule other than a goal of getting flighting underway as soon as everything is ready. I had hoped that would be last month, it wasn't and now we're of course hesitant to make any guesstimates as to not further disappoint. The massive update blog two weeks back offered some good info on the status of the project and Postums is working on another large update for later this month.


Originally posted by DatBoiSully

I'm hoping we get flights prior to E3, seems unlikely though at this rate.

Currently it doesn't look like public flighting will begin prior to E3. The team has made a lot of progress on a number of areas but everything is just taking time (in some cases longer than initially anticipated)


Originally posted by The_Roptor

You bet!


Originally posted by Avro_4rrow

Was a good book tho, would recommend

Indeed, one of the best in the series.

16 May

15 May


Not bad! I can't help but feel that Ghee Buttersnaps would've hit the Overkill though.

14 May