
Halo Dev Tracker

12 Jun


Originally posted by 141_1337

Hey kinda unrelated, but we the recent uptick of activity, any chance for a Canon Fodder anytime soon?

Always a chance, I literally have a backlog of stuff I'd like to feature but a lot of it comes down to time and bandwidth with a bunch of other projects always happening at the same time. As mentioned above I do plan on doing an Outpost-related one probably near the end of the Summer, and obviously as Infinite gets closer there will be plenty to talk about. Plus maybe some fun Reach stuff in between. And then there's always the litany of peripheral subjects I'd love to dive a bit deeper into, but again, all about needing more time! :-)

(That being said, it always makes me feel good that folks like the feature enough to ask for more! <3)


Originally posted by mypasswordis-123456

What kind of animal has tusks?

A walrus.



Originally posted by VienQuitonm

I bet you Grim was thinking of me while he was writing.

I bet you I wasn't.


Originally posted by DrNick1221

Eyy Grim. You got a lore answer for what that almost enforcer sentinel looking thing shows up in this video around this point is?

I'm hoping to do a Canon Fodder at some point after it all to chat about some of the particularly cool lore tidbits incorporated into Outpost Discovery; sentinels would likely be a solid choice for a little discussion if that happens :-)


Originally posted by SEAN771177

Grim will you be at all of these events? Also I saw Steve Downes and Jen Taylor will be attending, will you need a VIP pass in order to meet them?

To my knowledge you won't need a VIP pass to meet folks like Steve and Jen.

As for me I'm currently slated for Orlando and Houston, Anaheim is a maybe (it's during PAX so not sure just yet). Hope to see you at one of them if possible!


Originally posted by secret3332

Waiting for one if these to hit the NY NJ area still.

Lol c'mon now, Philly is a stone's throw!


Originally posted by aidan5806

Any chance this was built within the slipspace engine? It would be cool to see more out of the new tech before seeing more Infinite stuff in the (hopefully near) future.

It was not, though that shouldn't be seen as a negative at all lol. Just making sure folks don't get different impressions.


Hey Lewis!

Thank you for making the video ands sharing with us. I haven't seen your tweet but I can tell you that people in the studio have watched your video and were touched by your sincerity.

I can't wait to hear how finishing the fight goes. Much love! <3

07 Jun


The defense rests. No further question, your honor.

06 Jun


Appreciate everyone's support and we know that the vast majority of the Halo community isn't like this. But, it's the internet and this thing is sadly not uncommon. We don't take these things lightly and our top priority is the safety of our team and players - we have a zero tolerance policy towards threats of any kind, they are all taken seriously, and all escalated and pursued to the full extent possible.

Back in my day the worst thing that happened was someone picketing outside the studio and one guy who got through to our desk phones and left messages for a large chunk of the studio complaining that the Halo 3 beta wasn't live yet.


Unfortunately it was brought to our attention some time ago that SA and SS on iOS were no longer functioning. (sorry Spartan Runner isn't ours/official) I believe iOS updated at some point around two years ago, which broke both of these games. The original development partner was no longer involved and after a few months of investigation we did not have a viable solution to address these issues and continue supporting these titles. They've been removed from the Apple Store for some time now and are regrettably not in a great state. While I'd love to see these revisited and updated, currently the studio is focused on MCC PC and Infinite so it's not something we can tackle right now.

05 Jun


Originally posted by Bernie_Berns


NO U <3


Originally posted by The_Roptor

Your appreciation is all that I need, Grim

And my appreciation indeed you have.

04 Jun


Originally posted by The_Roptor

...You told me you were gonna wear something nice

Underrated response here.

03 Jun



And if my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 117 mph... you're gonna see some serious sh*t.


Originally posted by Boyinlost286

A tweet from @halo

You're definitely not wrong