
Hearthstone Dev Tracker

23 Nov

22 Nov


As stated in the post, the fix is coming in a future patch.


Yes, as listed above, a fix is coming in a future patch.

21 Nov

Wu "XiaoT" Jiwei of China is the Masters Tour Undercity Champion! XiaoT is the final Masters Tour champion of 2021, rising above the rest - 400 players competing from more than 40 countries all over the world! In a remarkably fast final, XiaoT beat Cheng "DragonMan" Ka Sing 3-0 in less than 30 minutes! Hopefully, you d...

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20 Nov


The issue was fixed some hours ago, so you should be good now if you didn’t already notice. You just need to update once more.


He was a (4) 4/4 until the end of final design where we ended up scrapping most of the Freeze stuff because it was pretty unfun (surprise!). We nerfed this card because we ended up being pretty unexcited about anyone actually playing the archetype. Team was a lot smaller back then and had to choose our battles wisely, everyone was unhappy with this card but unfortunately retooling Shaman with a new archetype wasn't a priority at the time. Team is so large now we rarely end up in this world, card design is 3X or 4X what it was.


Known and being worked on right now.

19 Nov


Yes, you should be able to play Drek’Thar–likely not get anything, because you run Shudderwock and other things that cost more than 4–and then play Shudderwock and pull something based on Shudderwock’s mana cost.


The max for ones you can farm has always been 4. The other two have always been special slots that are reserved for the daily task and the story task. No change was made here–you probably just finished the story tasks.


When was the last time you noticed this? It was believed to be fixed several patches ago.


No problem, glad it wasn’t a bigger problem. :+1:

Below are the Arena leaderboards for September 1, 2021 - November 1, 2021. Arena rankings reflect players’ best 30 consecutive runs throughout a season. The players featured below have exhibited top-notch deckbuilding skills, in-the-moment decision making, and unyielding dedication to achieve a most noteworthy feat!

For an Arena run to be included in this season, its end time must have been between September 1, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. and November 1, 2021 at 9:59:59 a.m.

Dynamic ladder rankings are now also available for the Standard and Wild ladders.


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18 Nov


Hey there. The devs looked it up and saw that Vanndar Stormpike is in your collection, initially claimed two days ago. You can find it by filtering your collection by Fractured in Alterac Valley.


The team is looking into these reports. Nothing has been shared because there is nothing yet to report back at this time.