
Hearthstone Dev Tracker

18 Jan


Very weird. I’ll pass this along, thanks.

17 Jan


Patch 25.2 is now available, bringing with it the new Battlegrounds Season 3! We’ll be using this post to track issues that pop up during the 25.2 patch period.

The issues we’re tracking this patch include:

  • [Resolved 1/26] Hearthstone: Magister’s Apprentice had its stats unintentionally swapped. The team is tracking reports of other cards having unintended adjustments as well.
  • [Resolved 1/19] Hearthstone: The new Omen Demon Hunter hero skin unintentionally blocks getting an upgraded Hero Power.
  • [Added 2/2] Hearthstone: The new Ghoul Queen Scarlet Death Knight hero skin unintentionally blocks getting an upgraded Hero Power.
  • [Resolved 1/19] Battlegrounds: Minions that Baltharak (one of the Mecha-Demons generated by Mecha-Jaraxxus) Magnetizes to lose Reborn when the minion gets tripled.
  • [Resolved 1/17] Battlegrounds: The team is tracking a bug causing server de-syncs (resulting in players seeing different life tot...
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Patch 25.2, launching today, brings Battlegrounds Season 3 and more!

Battlegrounds Season 3 is Here!

Good news, everyone! Battlegrounds Season 3 brings Professor Putricide’s new Hero Power, Undead and dual-type minions, and tons more new and updated heroes and minions!

General Updates

  • On January 17, Battlegrounds Season 2 will end and Battlegrounds Season 3 will begin. That means that rankings will reset, Battlegrounds Quests will be removed, minion pools will update, and the Battlegrounds Track will switch over. All rewards that were earned, but not yet claimed, from the Season 2 Track will be automatically claimed.
  • The 15-damage Damage Cap will now persist until both a hero has died and the game has reached turn 8 (the 10 Gold turn).
  • Armor will now appear ove...
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16 Jan

15 Jan


Yeah we're looking into a way to fix this - Scourge Rager is just too eager to die it seems. 😅

Essentially, Battlecries actually happen right before a minion enters play (if you play Buffet Biggun with a Dun Baldar Bridge in play, the summoned Recruits from his Battlecry get buffed before Biggun himself gets buffed). So Scourge Rager dies before the game actually sees it played.

We agree that, while technically "correct", the current functionality is VERY counter to what you would expect with Jungle Giants or Making Mummies.

14 Jan

13 Jan

12 Jan

11 Jan