Heroes of the Storm

Heroes of the Storm Dev Tracker

12 Mar


Hey there,

There isn’t anything I can do for y’all here on the this forum. I recommend you reach out to Customer Support to work with you to get the pending transaction cleared up here Customer Support

10 Mar


Hey Outopallo,

Can you go ahead and send me the replay, using the steps in this post.

Read more

09 Mar


Heya Grandma,

You receive chests from increasing Player Level. Your Player Level is a sum of all of your Hero Levels. The chest granted by your Player Levels is upgraded (not granted additionally to) to a Rare one every 5 Player Levels and an epic one every 25 Player Levels.

The only way to earn two chests from one level up, is every 10 Hero Levels (levels with a specific Hero) grant a Hero Specific chest in addition to the chest granted by increasing the Player Level.

In the example you listed above, you should have gotten a Rare Chest for hitting Player Level 110, and nothing from Imperius to level 2. You can check the Progression tab on your Profile to see how close you are to certain chests for Player Levels, and can check Heroes by clicking them under Roster to see how close you are to various Hero Level rewards.

04 Mar


Hey there,

All the information I currently have regarding this issue can be found in this post pinned to the top of this forum.

Unfortunately, I don’t have any additional information to offer at this time, but watch that post as I will be making updates there as I hear things.


Hey there,

All the information I currently have regarding this issue can be found in this post pinned to the top of this forum.

Unfortunately, I don’t have any additional information to offer at this time, but watch that post as I will be making updates there as I hear things.

03 Mar


Hey SavageDroggo,

Thanks for this report, I’ll take a look into this today!



Hey there,

I’m unsure if this is a bug or if it is a tooltip issue, but I’ll investigate!

Thanks for the report!


Hey there,

All the information I currently have regarding this issue can be found in this post pinned to the top of this forum.

Unfortunately, I don’t have any additional information to offer at this time, but watch that post as I will be making updates there as I hear things.


Hey there,

All the information I currently have regarding this issue can be found in this post pinned to the top of this forum.

Unfortunately, I don’t have any additional information to offer at this time, but watch that post as I will be making updates there as I hear things.

Heroes of the Storm has just been updated with Hero balance changes! Read on for details.


Read more

26 Feb


You should see a “Contact Support” button the upper right hand. Using that page, it should allow you to enter a ticket to communicate with support.

Outside of that, since this is not the place to get this kind of support, I’m going to lock this thread. If you have any further questions Support should be able to help you! Good luck!


If you want to contact a GM use the link I posted above. GMs and Customer Support don’t use these forums and this is a place for people in QA like me to find bugs, of which I don’t think I will be able to help you.

25 Feb


Hey there Vonjax,

We try to refrain from name and shaming other players on the bug report forums, so I’ve removed the name of the player.

You can use the search the support articles, or contact support if you have further questions here.


22 Feb


Hey Xor!

Thanks for the information. Currently it is known that these are locked in Ranked play, and we looking for any Mounts of Skins that are still locked in non-Draft modes, such as Quickmatch or VS AI game modes.

Sorry for this issue, and we hope to have it resolved soon!

21 Feb

20 Feb

19 Feb


Hey there Pomo,

This is currently a known issue. You can refer to this pinned post at the top of this forum for more information
