Hunt: Showdown

Hunt: Showdown Dev Tracker

05 Feb

    Cry_Maquannas on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thank you for reporting, it seems more people have this issue and I have added it to our report!

21 Jan

    Cry_Ic3man2k on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

We would like to officially welcome you to the 14th testing phase on our test servers. Some of you should already be familiar with this concept but for those of you that are not here is the deal:

As we progress through the development of the game, we will be performing a number of testing phases aimed at testing/refining the content and updates we want to bring to Hunt:Showdown in the future. This means that prior to us releasing new content (either hot fixes, content patches or performance updates) we will run a test phase to verify that this update will have the intended results.

Through each of these phases, we will create specific sub forum dedicated to that phase (like this sub forum for example) where you can provide us with your feedback and bug reports from your time in game. We would ask that if you create topics in this section, please ensure it is ONLY about the current test phase. If you wish to discuss future improvements, ideas r... Read more

30 Aug

    Cry_Ic3man2k on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I had to use google translate on this post so I am sorry if I misunderstand anything you have said. It seems your problem is with the audio device that is selected. You need to make sure that the output device for Windows is the same as what you will use in-game. Once you select the device correctly in windows, select the same in game and hopefully that should fix your problem.

I hope this helps.

12 Aug

    Cry_Ic3man2k on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by KoJeT_:
Originally posted by Cry_Ic3man2k: Most likely this is down to an error in the database that was used to grant the currency for test, it can happen, but I will pass it on and see if we can get it sorted to give you guys a chance to buy more of the legendary weapons and hunters to try out.


that would be cool! I'm not particularly upset about it or anything I was just unsure of whether it was intentional or not.
Ya I figured it... Read more
    Cry_Ic3man2k on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Most likely this is down to an error in the database that was used to grant the currency for test, it can happen, but I will pass it on and see if we can get it sorted to give you guys a chance to buy more of the legendary weapons and hunters to try out.


30 Jul

    Cry_Ic3man2k on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by FreD: Before someone comes here yelling at me, remember ... this is just an ideia. Try to be constructive and post your ideias for improvements for it or something different that you think would be nice!

Just gonna quote this part just to double down on the whole " be constructive" thing. Lets hope it works and you get some who want to develop the idea a bit with you.

    Cry_Ic3man2k on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for the feedback, however given the impact this trait has on pistols, I think it is doubtful that we would drop it down to Rank 1.

    Cry_Ic3man2k on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Closing this as it is not relevant to the test server in anyway. Please stick to the live forums if you have suggestions such as this.

    Cry_Ic3man2k on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for passing these on, not really sure whats going on there but we will definitely take a look into it.

    Cry_Ic3man2k on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for letting us know, we have had a few people mention this to us so thank you for confirming it again.

    Cry_Ic3man2k on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I think you are slightly over reacting here span4ev. Rather than just calling it a stupid decision and taking several chances to poke at the dev team repeatedly, you could easily just explain your viewpoint in a constructive way and know that from this, your feedback would be passed on.

This is the whole point of having a test server, to catch things like this that may not fit or may need work. This feedback has already been passed on as you are not the first person to mention it, and most likely will not be the last.

Please try to keep the feedback constructive going forward.

    Cry_Ic3man2k on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I have already made sure to pass this on to the team as no one wants a miss-click to cost real money.

Appreciate the feedback folks!


24 Jul

    Cry_Ic3man2k on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

We would like to officially welcome you to the 13th testing phase on our test servers. Some of you should already be familiar with this concept but for those of you that are not here is the deal:

As we progress through Early Access, we will be performing a number of testing phases aimed at testing/refining the content and updates we want to bring to Hunt:Showdown in the future. This means that prior to us releasing new content (either hot fixes, content patches or performance updates) we will run a test phase to verify that this update will have the intended results.

Through each of these phases, we will create specific sub forum dedicated to that phase (like this sub forum for example) where you can provide us with your feedback and bug reports from your time in game. We would ask that if you create topics in this section, please ensure it is ONLY about the current test phase. If you wish to discuss future improvements, ideas relating to poss... Read more
    Cry_Ic3man2k on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
At the moment I would suggest to not change the language of the game as it will cause some issues with the Book of Weapons and the Book of monsters. In some cases the translations are not complete and will not unlock if the requirements for the entries are met.

The other languages will be updated soon but for now please stick o English to be able to effectively test the new content.



12 Apr

    Cry_Beedyboy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
His week spot can be found in the middle of his chest (where the fleshy part is showing), hitting that stuns him and prevents him from cloning as well.

You did get 2 hitmarkers at one point before he cloned and attacked, he probably had a tiny bit of HP left.
    Cry_Beedyboy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The clones are invincible, but they disappear after being hit. You can tell if a clone hits you, with seeing bugs on your screen!
    Cry_Beedyboy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Could you please come over to Discord[] and drop me a message about your performance decrease? You can find me as Beedyboy !

05 Apr

    Cry_Beedyboy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We are currently working on a fix for this issue! Thank you for letting us know!

01 Apr

    Cry_Beedyboy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

We would like to officially welcome you to the 12th testing phase on our test servers. Some of you should already be familiar with this concept but for those of you that are not here is the deal:

As we progress through Early Access, we will be performing a number of testing phases aimed at testing/refining the content and updates we want to bring to Hunt:Showdown in the future. This means that prior to us releasing new content (either hot fixes, content patches or performance updates) we will run a test phase to verify that this update will have the intended results.

Through each of these phases, we will create specific sub forum dedicated to that phase (like this sub forum for example) where you can provide us with your feedback and bug reports from your time in game. We would ask that if you create topics in this section, please ensure it is ONLY about the current test phase. If you wish to discuss future improvements, ideas relating to poss... Read more

05 Dec

    Cry_Maquannas on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

We would like to officially welcome you to the 11th testing phase on our test servers. Some of you should already be familiar with this concept but for those of you that are not here is the deal:

As we progress through Early Access, we will be performing a number of testing phases aimed at testing/refining the content and updates we want to bring to Hunt:Showdown in the future. This means that prior to us releasing new content (either hot fixes, content patches or performance updates) we will run a test phase to verify that this update will have the intended results.

Through each of these phases, we will create specific sub forum dedicated to that phase (like this sub forum for example) where you can provide us with your feedback and bug reports from your time in game. We would ask that if you create topics in this section, please ensure it is ONLY about the current test phase. If you wish to discuss future improvements, ideas relating to poss... Read more