Thank you for reporting, it seems more people have this issue and I have added it to our report!
We would like to officially welcome you to the 14th testing phase on our test servers. Some of you should already be familiar with this concept but for those of you that are not here is the deal:
As we progress through the development of the game, we will be performing a number of testing phases aimed at testing/refining the content and updates we want to bring to Hunt:Showdown in the future. This means that prior to us releasing new content (either hot fixes, content patches or performance updates) we will run a test phase to verify that this update will have the intended results.
Through each of these phases, we will create specific sub forum dedicated to that phase (like this sub forum for example) where you can provide us with your feedback and bug reports from your time in game. We would ask that if you create topics in this section, please ensure it is ONLY about the current test phase. If you wish to discuss future improvements, ideas r...
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