Hunt: Showdown

Hunt: Showdown Dev Tracker

03 Sep

    CRY_Nate on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
To set the record straight: Several YouTube copyright claims were auto-generated by our distributor and sent out in error for our latest track. This has been rectified and should no longer be the case. We welcome use of Port Sulphur Band music on YouTube Hunt fan content.

01 Jun

    Cry_Ari on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

As we progress through the development of the game, we will be performing a number of testing phases aimed at testing/refining the content and updates we want to bring to Hunt: Showdown in the future. This means that prior to us releasing new content (either hotfixes, content patches, or performance updates) we will run a test phase to verify that this update will have the intended results.

Through each of these phases, we will create a specific sub-forum dedicated to that phase (like this sub forum for example) where you can provide us with your feedback and bug reports from your time in-game. We would ask that if you create topics in this section, please ensure it is ONLY about the current test phase. If you wish to discuss future improvements, or ideas relating to possible content then we would ask that you stick with the standard Hunt forums here: ... Read more

09 Mar

    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hungry for more info on what's coming to Hunt in 2023?
Check out our latest Developer Update with Sr. Community Manager Rick and Hunt General Manager David as they discuss the Roadmap and what is to come for Hunt: Showdown in 2023.

28 Nov

    Cry_Ari on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

As we progress through the development of the game, we will be performing a number of testing phases aimed at testing/refining the content and updates we want to bring to Hunt: Showdown in the future. This means that prior to us releasing new content (either hotfixes, content patches, or performance updates) we will run a test phase to verify that this update will have the intended results.

Through each of these phases, we will create a specific sub-forum dedicated to that phase (like this sub forum for example) where you can provide us with your feedback and bug reports from your time in-game. We would ask that if you create topics in this section, please ensure it is ONLY about the current test phase. If you wish to discuss future improvements, or ideas relating to possible content then we would ask that you stick with the standard Hunt forums here: ... Read more

30 Sep

    Cry_Ari on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

As we progress through the development of the game, we will be performing a number of testing phases aimed at testing/refining the content and updates we want to bring to Hunt: Showdown in the future. This means that prior to us releasing new content (either hotfixes, content patches, or performance updates) we will run a test phase to verify that this update will have the intended results.

Through each of these phases, we will create a specific sub forum dedicated to that phase (like this sub forum for example) where you can provide us with your feedback and bug reports from your time in-game. We would ask that if you create topics in this section, please ensure it is ONLY about the current test phase. If you wish to discuss future improvements, or ideas relating to possible content then we would ask that you stick with the standard Hunt forums here: ... Read more

29 Jun

    Cry_Ari on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

As we progress through the development of the game, we will be performing a number of testing phases aimed at testing/refining the content and updates we want to bring to Hunt: Showdown in the future. This means that prior to us releasing new content (either hotfixes, content patches, or performance updates) we will run a test phase to verify that this update will have the intended results.

Through each of these phases, we will create a specific sub forum dedicated to that phase (like this sub forum for example) where you can provide us with your feedback and bug reports from your time in-game. We would ask that if you create topics in this section, please ensure it is ONLY about the current test phase. If you wish to discuss future improvements, or ideas relating to possible content then we would ask that you stick with the standard Hunt forums here: ... Read more

10 Mar

    Cry_Ari on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

As we progress through the development of the game, we will be performing a number of testing phases aimed at testing/refining the content and updates we want to bring to Hunt: Showdown in the future. This means that prior to us releasing new content (either hotfixes, content patches, or performance updates) we will run a test phase to verify that this update will have the intended results.

Through each of these phases, we will create a specific sub forum dedicated to that phase (like this sub forum for example) where you can provide us with your feedback and bug reports from your time in-game. We would ask that if you create topics in this section, please ensure it is ONLY about the current test phase. If you wish to discuss future improvements, ideas relating to possible content then we would ask that you stick with the standard Hunt forums here: ... Read more

25 Nov

    Cry_Ic3man2k on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Nadath: I claimed mine 15 hours ago, still haven't gotten the Marquis knife.
Some people have DM'd me directly about this and I noticed each of them had not correctly connected the account even though it showed as connected through twitch.

Go to and make sure the account is linked on that page.

The account link from the drops last year is different as its an entirely new system. So try it from there. Th... Read more

17 Nov

    Cry_Ari on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for the report.

This part of Reconnect should be fixed with Update 1.7 Patch #1
Notes can be found @
    Cry_Ari on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hiya! We've updated our posting and sub forum for Test Phase - Update 1.7

Bugs encountered in 1.7 can be reported in this sub forum.

Technical Support can be found @ > Button in the bottom right > "Please log in for Support"

Our Official Discord is
-In the Official Discord you can post bugs in a channel labeled "#bug-reports-test"

16 Nov

    Cry_Ari on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

As we progress through the development of the game, we will be performing a number of testing phases aimed at testing/refining the content and updates we want to bring to Hunt: Showdown in the future. This means that prior to us releasing new content (either hotfixes, content patches, or performance updates) we will run a test phase to verify that this update will have the intended results.

Through each of these phases, we will create a specific sub forum dedicated to that phase (like this sub forum for example) where you can provide us with your feedback and bug reports from your time in-game. We would ask that if you create topics in this section, please ensure it is ONLY about the current test phase. If you wish to discuss future improvements, ideas relating to possible content then we would ask that you stick with the standard Hunt forums here: ... Read more

20 Aug

    Cry_Ari on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We also have a thread that lists some of the current 1.6.1 Bugs we are already investigating.

We hope to have a fix very soon! Read more

19 Mar

    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

A member of the reddit community has put together a detailed "all you need to know about hunt" guide a few months ago and has been keeping it regularly updated. As this contains a lot of very useful and helpful information, we asked if we could share it here as well. We will be updating this guide quite regularly, and we will try to add as much as we can as more content is created. Feel free to reach out to me or the mods if you have anything you think would be a good addition to this guide.

Credit to u/agreewoment for putting this together.

Here is a collection of guides made by various members of the community with help from reddit user u/agreewoment, you can check their original list ... Read more

05 Mar

    Cry_Tobi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Testing will continue over the weekend. We are just deploying a new patch to the testserver

03 Mar

    Cry_Ic3man2k on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey everyone,

The feedback you have all been giving us so far is really awesome. I have gone through a lot of the threads already created and we have been able to gather some really useful feedback, so thank you all for taking the time to test out the ammo and give us your thoughts.

In order to be able to get a quick overview of as much of the feedback as possible, I wanted to test out having this sticky thread so that we can make it a lot easier to gather the relevent feedback. So here is what I am thinking. Make bullet points of the ammo types you have tried and give very brief details of what you think (1-2 sentences max).

for example:


Please keep it to the format outlined above. More detailed feedback can be posted as a regular threead in the forums. The sole purpose of this thread is to gather the main points in one place so it i... Read more

24 Feb

    Cry_Ic3man2k on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Due to some server related issues we have to switch off the test server for this evening. We will work to resolve these issues and have the test server up and running again as soon as possible.

Thanks for your understanding
    Cry_Ic3man2k on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Due to some server related issues we have to switch off the test server for this evening. We will work to resolve these issues and have the test server up and running again as soon as possible.

Thanks for your understanding
    Cry_Ic3man2k on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It used a copy of your profile from the main game so it just activates the achievements due to that.

    Cry_Ic3man2k on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

We would like to officially welcome you to the 14th testing phase on our test servers. Some of you should already be familiar with this concept but for those of you that are not here is the deal:

As we progress through the development of the game, we will be performing a number of testing phases aimed at testing/refining the content and updates we want to bring to Hunt:Showdown in the future. This means that prior to us releasing new content (either hot fixes, content patches or performance updates) we will run a test phase to verify that this update will have the intended results.

Through each of these phases, we will create specific sub forum dedicated to that phase (like this sub forum for example) where you can provide us with your feedback and bug reports from your time in game. We would ask that if you create topics in this section, please ensure it is ONLY about the current test phase. If you wish to discuss future improvements, ideas rela... Read more

12 Feb

    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Welcome post

Hi everyone, and welcome to our General discussions forum.

In this section we welcome any and all questions and feedback that you may have about the game. The team (Community mangers and Moderators) will be more than happy to answer questions and address concerns that you may have while ensuring this is a welcoming and inviting place for discussions to occur.

Before you continue, there are a few things we would like you to keep in mind when posting/creating new threads:
  • Avoid creating duplicate threads - If you have something to discuss, check to see if something was already created on the topic and add to that before creating a new one. With this in mind, we would also ask to avoid bringing back significantly old threads that may not be relevant to the current state of things.

  • Follow the Steam discussions rules and guidelines - While this should go without saying, we are just giving a friendly...
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