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I really enjoy this game, and like other big BRs before it, I think has potential. That said, I think this game could really, really benefit from a permanently available respawn game mode. When I thought about it, although BR has evolved into it's own genre, a lot of BRs have some kind of sibling title or mode, and the BR is usually a bonus mode brought in to attract new players to the franchise and get some money via mtx. Fortnite had save the world, Apex exists thanks to titanfall 2 and warzone is a taste of the CoD MW experience. I feel that Hyper Scape deserves something similar, to allow players to experience the full on combat you can get in matches of Crown Rush, but without the predatory, survivalist context of BR.

I picture something like TDM, CTF, King of the Hill and maybe even a Team Crown Rush comp mode, on a randomly selected patch of Neo Arcadia (maybe mirrored/made symmetrical for fairness) with players voting between matches for the next mode, but I'm curious about people's thoughts. Would anyone be opposed to such a mode coming in, and if so, why? If not, what kind of maps/modes would you want to see? For example I can imagine a 'push the payload' kind of thing going along the train lines or aqueducts as a cool addition.

One of the things that I really like about the game is that pretty much everything is viable and with the right weapons and hacks, you could be a tank, a DPS, a healer/support or even go hybrid with your own playstyle. I can imagine a really deep combat meta evolving with players making tank builds and nuclear wombo combos that would put an additional emphasis on teamwork above raw gun/move skill, and I'd love to see the kind of things the community would come up with if given the opportunity.

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over 4 years ago - /u/UbiArcane - Direct link

Love the idea :)

You may be interested in part of our Where We Are Going post:

Game Modes

Our core game mode, Crown Rush, can be quite unforgiving, so we want to provide players with a variety of formats in terms of activity and match size. This will start with introducing respawn systems in the game and "deathmatch" style game modes.