I haven’t played the game for months and decided to get on yesterday (EU servers) , i go into a TDM and wait for minutes then the game decides to let me win because nobody has joined..
tried going solos and Duos and it never let me join a match, so the real question here is when will you guys add crossplay so at least i can play with friends as a pc player , i dont get why people complain about crossplay, if you dont like it then turn it off but at least give us the option to fill up lobbies?
I started playing the game couple hours after it was out , the performance has greatly improved and thats a nice thing , although i wish we could maybe be able to completely turn off shadows like the early days of the game( some what close to that), i still don’t know how the actual game is since i cant get into a game ..
the devs and the marketing team need to do something to attract the masses..