over 4 years
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@malimalikakama1 Hey there! If you are able to get a clip of this happening after the patch, we would sincerely appreciate it!
//Data Transfer from AMA u/ItsOneShot: When are you adding different response curves? A: We are planning to add new settings to allow you to choose a linear response curve and disable the acceleration that currently exists - Thomas Full Response: https://t.co/VnhWtnGVhq
//Data Transfer from AMA u/ItsOneShot: When are you adding different response curves? A: We are planning to add new settings to allow you to choose a linear response curve and disable the acceleration that currently exists - Thomas Full Response: https://t.co/VnhWtnGVhq
//Data Transfer from AMA u/ItsOneShot: When are you adding different response curves? A: We are planning to add new settings to allow you to choose a linear response curve and disable the acceleration that currently exists - Thomas Full Response: https://t.co/VnhWtnGVhq