over 4 years ago - /u/UbiArcane - Direct link

Hello Contenders!

Hyper Scape Season One is finally here, this time both on PC and Consoles. The launch of our first season is also an opportunity for a final balancing patch following the Open Beta and all the feedback we received from the player community.

As we recently explained, our last patch v0.5 was a specific attempt to test the limits of the game and get some final learnings from the Open Beta. We are now going to take a step back on several of those changes, as well as refine the general balancing of the game. As with all the patches we’ve released since our Tech Test began last month, we will continue monitoring the game closely and consider all the feedback you send us to adjust the game as often as necessary.

Regarding Time-To-Kill, Weapons and Hacks. Although we find having a slightly faster TTK can be a good thing, we agree it should come more from balancing the Weapons rather than nerfing the Hacks. Overall, the v0.5 nerf on Hacks was too severe. Like many of you told us, we also firmly believe the unique pacing and gameplay provided by the Hacks is essential to Hyper Scape, and we do not intend to drift away from that.

Overall in patch v1.0 we are bringing back Hacks’ comfort and frequency to their previous state while retaining some of the balancing adjustments necessary to the game. For weapons, patch v1.0 brings fixes to the power unbalance created by patch v0.5 while retaining a portion of the accelerated TTK. We also decided to reintroduce the one-shot kill capacity of the Protocol V sniper rifle and will be monitoring it carefully in the coming weeks. We are looking at new mechanics to adjust long-range combat in the future, which will give us more tools to balance the Protocol and others. Stay tuned for more on that in the near future.

Season One also brings many new features, improvements and bug fixes. The game meta will evolve thanks to the addition of the Dragonfly, a new semi-auto rifle, and the Magnet, a new Hack. A new Lethal Melee Event will change the dynamic of the match and several new Limited Time Game Modes will appear during the season.

The Hyper Scape team wants to thank all the players, streamers, and viewers for their time in the Open Beta and for all their feedback. Hearing from you is essential to our development process and this patch would not have been possible without your involvement in the game.

Remember that every reward and all progress unlocked in the game is linked to your Uplay profile and will be available on all platforms thanks to our cross-progression feature.

Welcome to the Season One of Hyper Scape, Contenders!





Damage Across Fusion: 18/18/18/18/21

Clip size Across Fusion: 12/14/16/18/20


Damage Across Fusion: 7/7/7/7/8

Rate of Fire: 740 RPM (previously 800)

Clip size Across Fusion: 30/33/36/39/45


Damage Across Fusion: 4/4/4/4/5

Clip size Across Fusion: 150/180/210/240/270


Damage Across Fusion: 12/12/12/12/14 (previously 13/13/13/13/15)

Clip size Across Fusion: 24/26/28/30/36


Damage Across Fusion: 26/28/31/34/38 (previously 29/31/33/35/39)

Clip size Across Fusion: 6/6/6/6/6


Damage Across Fusion: 5/5/5/5/6

Clip size Across Fusion: 15/17/18/20/23


Damage Across Fusion: 50/55/62/70/80 (previously 50/54/58/62/67)

Clip size Across Fusion: 3/3/3/3/3


Damage per Pellet Across Fusion: 5/5/5/5/7 (previously 6/6/6/6/7)

Clip size Across Fusion: 5/6/7/8/9


Damage Across Fusion: 40/44/50/56/64 (previously 50/54/58/62/67)

Clip size Across Fusion: 1/1/1/1/1

Min Range for Full Damage & Full Explosion AoE: 20m


Damage Across Fusion: 29/29/29/29/34

Clip size Across Fusion: 5/6/7/8/9 (previously 4/5/6/7/8)

Min Range for Full Damage: 15m


Damage Across Fusion: 23/23/23/23/28 (previously 20/20/20/20/24)

Clip size Across Fusion: 6/7/8/9/10 (previously 5/6/7/8/9)





Cooldown Across Fusion: 14/13/12/11/9s

Max Active Magnets: 1


Cooldown Across Fusion: 12/11/10/9/7s (previously 14/13/12/11/9s)

Hit Points: 65


Cooldown Across Fusion: 12/11/10/9/7s (previously 14/13/12/11/9s)

Damage Across Fusion: 20/20/20/20/30


Cooldown Across Fusion: 12/11/10/9/7s (previously 14/13/12/11/9s)


Cooldown Across Fusion: 12/11/10/9/7s (previously 14/13/12/11/9s)


Cooldown Across Fusion: 12/11/10/9/7s

Hit Points: 250

Effect Duration: 9s

Max Active Walls: 2


Cooldown Across Fusion: 14/13/12/11/9s (previously 16/15/14/13/11s)

Effect Duration: 5s

Key fix: A bug where Invisible players made no footstep noise has been fixed.


Cooldown Across Fusion: 14/13/12/11/9s (previously 16/15/14/13/11s)

Damage Across Fusion: 30/30/30/30/45

Detection Radius: 15m (previously 12m)

Mine Chase Duration: 8s

Max Active Mines: 1

INVULNERABLE (Previously called ARMOR)

Cooldown Across Fusion: 14/13/12/11/9s (previously 16/15/14/13/11s)

Effect Duration: 5s


Cooldown Across Fusion: 14/13/12/11/9s

Effect Duration: 9s

Max Active Heals: 1


Cooldown Across Fusion: 12/11/10/9/7s (previously 14/13/12/11/9s)

Damage Across Fusion: 20/20/20/20/30 (previously 10/10/10/10/15)

Key fix: The bug where Shockwave would fail to trigger a jump when aiming down at your feet has been fixed.




New Game Event triggered via Viewers’ Vote on Crowncast extension only.

Effect: Melee deals massive damage (enough to instantly eliminate an opponent).

Event Duration: 50s


New option available to Viewers in the Crowncast extension

Twitch Viewers can now use Bits to send Kudos & show their support to their streamer during the match. Kudos are in-game emotes and do not affect gameplay.




New 100 Tiers Battle Pass added, with both Free and Premium tracks.

Challenges are now always displayed in the World Map

Assists are now tracked only when helping an Ally/Squad player eliminate an Enemy player, as designed.


Season One items have been added to the Daily Shop.

A new Weekly Shop has been added and will propose Item Bundles.


Memory Shards Collectibles have been added to the game

They will progressively appear during the Season and will provide Lore about the Hyper Scape universe as well as Battle points once discovered.

You can read the Lore found with Memories in the Hall of Champions located to your left when you enter the Hyper Scape HUB.





Player Reporting Tool: This first version of the tool allows players to report other players they are in a Squad with. To access the Report option, select the name of the Squad player the Social Menu.

Scramble Player Name: A new feature for Streamers and anyone who would like to anonymize themselves in other players’ games.

Minor Protection: An option for parents to limit the amount their child can be exposed to other players in game. Enabling Minor Protection enables the following features

Scramble Player Name – ON

Voice Chat Channel – PARTY ONLY

Text Chat Channel – PARTY ONLY

Chat Filter - ON


Health Regen Trigger Delay: 5s (previously 10s, but overall time to full HP unchanged)

Improved & more progressive Critical Health feedback.


Full Fusion items can now directly spawn from Chests & Crates only, to make the Fusion more progressive during the match; items dropped by players are unchanged, this affect only the Loot spawned at the beginning of the match.

Standard Chest (2x items, 10% Fusion chance).

Game Event Crates (2x items, 100% Fusion chance).

Item pickup radius & comfort has been increased.



Added 5 Controller Preset Configurations (No Click, Shoulder Jump, Deploy Master, Hack Master, Button Ping).

Added Credits.

Added Contender’s Code.

Added Ubisoft Club.

External link →
over 4 years ago - /u/MrEricPope - Direct link

Originally posted by kattrackarn

I'm dissapointed about sniper being able to one shot again though

We are looking at new mechanics to adjust long-range combat in the future, which will give us more tools to balance the Protocol and others. Stay tuned for more on that in the near future.

We know some folks will be, which is why we included this look at the future

" We are looking at new mechanics to adjust long-range combat in the future, which will give us more tools to balance the Protocol and others. Stay tuned for more on that in the near future. "

over 4 years ago - /u/UbiArcane - Direct link

Originally posted by MagnumDopusTS

That dtap clip size must be a typo right?

Hey, it was! I've fixed it :)

over 4 years ago - /u/MrEricPope - Direct link

Originally posted by TheInvictusTV

  1. The Komodo, Salvo, and Skybreaker all had their damage reverted, but it was not clarified if their original pushback mechanic was re-implemented. Was it added back to explosive weapons?
  2. The patch notes do not mention Aim Assist adjustments. Is this because there currently aren't any or is that still not being announced yet?

Pushback is not being re-implemented in this patch, no.

over 4 years ago - /u/MrEricPope - Direct link

Originally posted by veritas670

FYI mods - the previous value of Ripper damage is incorrect according to v0.5 patch notes:

RIPPER Detailed changes:

Increased Damage to 13/13/13/13/15, up from 11/11/11/11/13.

you are absolutely right, thanks for flagging, we'll update above!

over 4 years ago - /u/UbiArcane - Direct link

Originally posted by veritas670

FYI mods - the previous value of Ripper damage is incorrect according to v0.5 patch notes:

RIPPER Detailed changes:

Increased Damage to 13/13/13/13/15, up from 11/11/11/11/13.

Thanks! Its updated :)

over 4 years ago - /u/UbiMorning - Direct link

Originally posted by prkz

Can you please answer second question as well? Thanks in advance. Hopefully someone just forgot to include aim assist adjustments into patch notes.

We are still investigating aim assist on PC and don't have an official update yet. Thanks for checking in though!

over 4 years ago - /u/UbiMorning - Direct link

Originally posted by catfroman

No aim assist changes? Everything else seems great

Hey! The dev team is still looking into aim assist options for PC at the moment. Once we have an official update to share on this, we will be sure to post about it!

over 4 years ago - /u/UbiMorning - Direct link

Originally posted by Yiazz

Everything looks amazing, except for:

We also decided to reintroduce the one-shot kill capacity of the Protocol V sniper rifle

See you all tomorrow! :D

I think ultimately it is worth playing the actual patch before you can answer me, but once you have a bit more experience, could you explain why you disagree with this change in particular?
Given the movement abilities within Hyper Scape, it takes a bit of skill to actually land decent shots. The one-shot kill capacity happens at full fusion, additionally.

over 4 years ago - /u/UbiMorning - Direct link

Originally posted by ClayPlusPlus

Overall some very interesting changes that I'm cautiously optimistic towards! While these changes look promising, I hate to be that player that raises some concern, but I want to bring up the changes with the Protocol IV.

I personally think the Protocol IV should not one shot an enemy, at least when the target is completely unaware that they are being aimed at. While it feels really good to snipe some poor unknowing soul, it also feels pretty bad to be moving and shooting to all but sudden getting one-shot from a sniper halfway across the map and all that momentum is instantly gone. There isn't much counter play to that unless they miss the shot, at which point I can attempt to move out of the snipers line of sight. Now this problem is less of an issue in most other BR's because of bullet drop and speed on most snipers, so there is even MORE skill to calculate the trajectory of the bullet and the enemy player's movement in order to land that headshot you want. The Protocol IV is essentially a rail-gun, 0 drop off and ridiculous quick bullet travel speed, so the difficulty to land a snipe is reduced significantly. This makes dying to a Protocol IV feel like a cheap death currently. Just some speculation here, but I think the reasoning is because the developers thought the player movement and hacks were fast enough to counter the 0 drop off since they're jumping and moving around way more than any other BR, however this isn't the case when you give this to a god-tier player or hacker.

If they want to keep the one shot potential of the Protocol IV, my proposed solution would be to either implement a scope glint similar to how Modern Warfare does it (that'll allow me to at least see where the enemy is and try to move out of sight) or by letting the player know they are being aimed at via sound cue or HUD icon (maybe akin to Titanfall 2's "Pilot Locking" UI icon with the cardinal direction of the shooter highlighted). This gives players a chance to counter said sniper by moving to cover or move more unpredictably, and would most likely lessen the feeling of cheapness that dying to a Protocol IV currently has. Now ideally the sniper would function similarly to the Sentinel from Apex Legends with a slight bullet drop and (slightly) slower bullet travel speed than what the Protocol IV currently has, but since creating bullet drop is more difficult than a UI/HUD change or global VFX like sniper glint, I would be happy with those changes instead.

I dunno if the devs look at these comments, but I hope they see this, because I really want the game to succeed and want to provide clear feedback whenever possible to make the game better and more enjoyable.

We do look at the comments! Thank you so much for taking the time to write out your concerns about this change in particular.

During the Open Beta, I've noted several concerns about no counterplay with the Protocol's one shot mechanic and lots of players have suggested the possibility of adding a glint of some sort. As we touched on in the Patch Notes:

We are looking at new mechanics to adjust long-range combat in the future, which will give us more tools to balance the Protocol and others. Stay tuned for more on that in the near future.

It definitely sucks to be sniped out of nowhere, especially from a super far distance, and is something the team recognizes as a risk with the Protocol. But as stated, the team is looking at a few options to help reduce this kind of frustration.

over 4 years ago - /u/UbiMorning - Direct link

Originally posted by Arrotanis

Fix the aim assist or this game dies by the end of the week again..

Hey! The team has previously mentioned they are looking into a few options for aim assist on PC. Once we have an official update to share, we will be sure to post about it.

over 4 years ago - /u/UbiMorning - Direct link

Originally posted by _michaelscarn1

is there gonna be some sort cosmetic/emblem or something for those that win a game?

Thanks for the suggestion! What kind of cosmetic, in particular, were you thinking? Like a holo-tag?

over 4 years ago - /u/UbiMorning - Direct link

Originally posted by PillBaxton

Did I miss it or is always run still not implemented?

Not yet! This is still something the team is working on. We haven't forgotten about it!

over 4 years ago - /u/UbiMorning - Direct link

Originally posted by 2px_

why didn't you show the old vs new stats like in the old patch notes instead of just the new ones? much easier to understand what's going on then :(

Apologies for the confusion! I did do a TLDR in the official Discord on what has changed since Patch v0.5. Here are the weapon changes

and here are the hacks!

over 4 years ago - /u/UbiMorning - Direct link

Originally posted by LunarFrag

I looked at the option to make voice chat party only and that has me wondering, can talk to the whole lobby? If so that is pretty damn cool

Not currently! Party only chat means you can only talk to people you grouped up with prior to matchmaking.

over 4 years ago - /u/UbiMorning - Direct link

Originally posted by SaltiestSeaCucumber

Lol. Good luck keeping a playerbase. I’m not trying to be toxic, but with aim assist the way it is and reintroducing the one shot capabilities of the Protocol, a lot of people aren’t going to be coming back. It’s that simple.

Aim assist on PC is still being looked into by the team. It's something 100% on the team's radar, it is just a matter of a delicate issue that may not feel as simple as it looks.
As for comments about the one-shot-kill with the Protocol, can you give a bit more detail on your thoughts about this change? The main issue some players seem to have with it is it feels like there is no counterplay against it when getting shot at from super far away, but we mentioned in the post that the team is exploring options for situations like that.

over 4 years ago - /u/UbiMorning - Direct link

Originally posted by Humble_Cellist_9486

hi wanted to ask will there be crossplay??

Crossplay will not be available at launch, but cross-platform progression will! More details here.

over 4 years ago - /u/UbiMorning - Direct link

Originally posted by Valkyriebourne

Should've left the mines where they were at IMO.

Are you willing to explain your thoughts a bit more? Obviously I think it is worth playing the patch before making a firm decision, but I would still like to know your thinking.

over 4 years ago - /u/UbiMorning - Direct link

Originally posted by Serile

I wish they had kept the riot buff, or at least not reverted it completely, the gun at lower levels before 0.5 patch felt a bit underpowered as the damage was quite low compared to the final fusions, with the patch 0.5 it felt really good to use a riot even when it was low level.

I find it interesting you felt that it was a bit underpowered at lower fusion levels. The gun was considered pretty solid prior to Patch 0.5 but slightly broken after 0.5. Many people were picking up the Riot over the Protocol due to its damage output. I'm interested to see how it will perform now given the fact the Protocol can one-shot again.

over 4 years ago - /u/UbiMorning - Direct link

Originally posted by SnesySnas

I think the Ball still having nothing done with it other than revert it kinda sucks, people have been saying then wish it buffed instead of nerfed, i mean they buffed it back but back to normal

I still think TTK shouldn't be low but some changes were made so we'll have to see how it goes, i personaly don't like the Sniper back to being oneshot as IF there is a cheater using it, you can easily die by it considering the bullet ain't a projectile

Also the D-Tap is gonna be near useless now so..Rip that gun

I think Ball is considered a meme hack by most of the community currently. What kind of buff, in particular, do you think would be solid for Ball?

The thought of changing it to projectile has been tossed around by the community, but there is a risk where changing it would make the Protocol useless because of the fact there is so much mobility within Hyper Scape. It currently does take a bit of skill to consistently land shots with it. However, as we mentioned in the post, we are looking into mechanics to help with long-distance fights to help prevent situations like this.

Can you explain your thoughts about the D-Tap?

over 4 years ago - /u/UbiMorning - Direct link

Originally posted by Taaen


Player Reporting Tool: This first version of the tool allows players to report other players they are in a Squad with. To access the Report option, select the name of the Squad player the Social Menu.

So nothing changes..

And what about AUTO-AIM??

Keep in mind we are still working on adjusting our reporting tools. For starters, this option will be only available to players in your squad. The option to report someone you fought will be coming at a later time.

Assuming you are talking about aim assist on PC, this is also something the team has been investigating since the start. Once we have an official update, we will be sure to make a post with details.

over 4 years ago - /u/UbiMorning - Direct link

Originally posted by 5erade


New Game Event triggered via Viewers’ Vote on Crowncast extension only.

Effect: Melee deals massive damage (enough to instantly eliminate an opponent).

Event Duration: 50s

So a whole minute of people invis / one-hit melee?

It should of just been double melee dmg not one shot...

Thanks for your input! We are definitely going to keep an eye on this new event and are open to making adjustments to it as needed.

over 4 years ago - /u/UbiMorning - Direct link

Originally posted by UnlawfulFoxy


New Game Event triggered via Viewers’ Vote on Crowncast extension only.

Effect: Melee deals massive damage (enough to instantly eliminate an opponent).

Event Duration: 50s

Ok, so I love everything in this patch but this seems absolutely insane to me. 1 shoting someone with a melee weapon is absolutely horrible for the game.

Imagine you sneak up on someone from a bit away, and you get enough free shots to get them down to half, or you just completely out-aimed them in your first encounter with them, you have no explosives and just hitscan guns like a lot of people run, whether it be a Ripper and Riot, Riot and Protocol, whatever. So the guy you were fighting can literally just run inside a building, and just crouch by the entrance, ready to 1 shot you if you come in. Sure you could try and melee them yourself, but then it just turns into a 50/50 of who gets the first swing. There would be 0 counter play to this, unless you want to always carry an explosive you could shoot inside the building from a safe distance, however even then the person could just run up the stairs, or out the back, and keep camping the corners, forcing you to stop fighting, which would be so horrible to play. We already hated low gravity back when it was out just because you couldn't jump in the open or else you would likely take a lot of damage or die if a competent player saw you, this event will stop nearly all fights from being completed, for an entire 50 seconds. You could try to come around back, but then the person could just run out the front, or father up into the building, and by this time, especially with the faster time to start regen, they will be at enough health to fight you again, so the skill of sneaking up on someone during this event, or just having better aim than them, becomes completely worthless, and makes almost any engagement, spare one in a completely open area, nearly impossible to end if both players have any idea what they are doing.

Remember, this is very likely going to happen every single game. Most lobbies have at least one streamer with one viewer and as we saw with low gravity if you ever participated in the crowncast on twitch, is that it was by far the most popular one everytime, and once people learn what this event does, it will always be chosen. Viewers don't choose what is the most entertaining one to watch, or the most fun for the player, as low gravity proved once again. Low gravity slowed the game down, and was very unfun for the player. Viewers choose due to the anonymity, the option that annoys the streamer most, especially for larger streamers who's fans don't have the same relationship as a smaller streamer would, because it is entertaining to see people get annoyed, hell, I am guilty of this as well.

Before someone says that I don't know if the melee will actually one shot, I don't see why they would include the line "enough to instantly eliminate an opponent" (as this is rather vague) if it didn't. If you're below 20hp a normal melee hit does technically instantly kill them, so what's the point of clarifying something we already know if this wasn't their way of saying "it will 1 shot." And I truly hope I'm wrong, because I don't think that anybody at all would see this and think it is a good addition to the game if I am right.

I know i'm just coming off as only wanting to complain, but I truly do like everything else in this patch, this one thing caught my eye, and quickly scrolling through the top comments I see few, if any, discussing this, and plenty praising the patch notes, so I thought I would contribute to the discussion more, and not just continue more praise with 0 criticism.

Thanks for sharing your concerns with this event! We will be keeping tabs on it's performance over the next few days and how it impacts the game. We are willing to make adjustments as needed for sure. The event has to compete with other Crown Cast events, like Low Grav and such.

Do you think your issue currently is the fact that it can one hit or the fact that the event lasts for 50 seconds? Would a shorter timer make it feel better? I have seen one other player mention they would prefer it to take two hits instead of one during this event.

over 4 years ago - /u/UbiMorning - Direct link

Originally posted by TheHyperactiveDuck

Why is there more ball nurfs? It has always been the worst hack in the game. Now it will just be unusable. Love all the other changes tho :)

Hey! It is actually a buff. Regardless, I think a lot of other players would agree with you in the fact that Ball needs a bigger buff. Do you have any specific ideas?

over 4 years ago - /u/UbiMorning - Direct link

Originally posted by SecretOil

We also decided to reintroduce the one-shot kill capacity of the Protocol V sniper rifle and will be monitoring it carefully in the coming weeks.

Give it a maximum range that's reasonable or severe bullet drop, or get that shit the f**k out of here. I'm sick and tired of being sniped from across the map by some guy not even rendered in who I can literally not have any clue is even pointing at me. It's one thing in squads where you can be revived but in solo it's absolutely insane that this is a possibility.

Min Range for Full Damage: 15m

This makes the weapon completely useless and that minimum range should be reversed. Perhaps only apply this damage nerf to splash damage, and not direct hits.

As mentioned in the post:

We are looking at new mechanics to adjust long-range combat in the future, which will give us more tools to balance the Protocol and others.

We are definitely aware of the frustrations of this mechanic, especially in solos. We will continue to keep an eye out for feedback on this.

As for the Komodo comment, did you play during the Open Beta with Patch v0.5? The 15m change was already in the game with Patch v0.5. I just wanted to get an understanding of your experience with the game so far.

over 4 years ago - /u/UbiMorning - Direct link

Originally posted by catfroman

Cool cool.

Any thoughts on adding a Golden or Red bullet trail to the Level 4 Protocol? Something that gives the player a warning like "hey there's 1-shot potential, look out" but still lets the player shooting get their one-tap if they're good enough.

In Apex with the Kraber you hear the first shot and you're immediately like "Whoa, Kraber" which rewards attention on the player being shot at, while still rewarding skillful aim of the player with the Kraber.

Just a thought!

A golden/red bullet trail is a new suggestion for me! I do like the idea of a visual cue to help players out. As we touched on in the post, the dev team is looking into different kinds of mechanics to help with counterplay at long distances.

over 4 years ago - /u/UbiMorning - Direct link

Originally posted by SecretOil

did you play during the Open Beta with Patch v0.5?

I'm literally top 10 matches played (as per tracker.gg). I've played every iteration of this game except the closed alpha (before the twitch drops stuff). I used to always run a Komodo; I'm well adapted to projectile weapons so I hit my shots with it usually, but since 0.5 I only pick it up if there's literally nothing else because it's terrible now. And this is entirely due to direct hits not doing any damage.

I agree fully that pointing at your feet (with no self-damage) and damaging the opponent with splash damage is a dumb mechanic and that rightfully was toned down but direct projectile hits should always do full damage.

Thanks for more info! Just wanted to get a better understanding of where you were coming from. I will be sure to keep an eye on more discussions about the Komodo throughout the week!

The main issue with the Komodo was the frustrating aspect of playing against it indoors, especially with the amount of knockback it had. I'll be sure to prod more people's thoughts about direct damage with the Komodo.

over 4 years ago - /u/UbiMorning - Direct link

Originally posted by TheHyperactiveDuck

Wow tbh did not expect a ubisoft person to respond. Also if you look t the other guy who responded, yeah for some reason i became temporarily illiterate lmao. Mabye making the ball smaller would help, it would make it a little harder to hit and make it give you away a little less but still show you are using it when someone is close. Also maybe increasing the health so it can barely survive a protocol. Also possible making it deal damage when u land on someone could be good and give people a reason to use it over the teleport or the armor. These are just suggestions that me and 2 people in discord came up with on the top of our heads, but those are just our thoughts.

Reading is hard sometimes :P

I haven't really seen many people suggest making the size of the ball smaller. I think it would be an interesting change to try out. I also like the idea of giving it some damage when landing on someone as well!

over 4 years ago - /u/UbiMorning - Direct link

Originally posted by SecretOil

I hope I don't come off as overly critical by the way -- I know it's really hard to balance these things.

No problem at all! I completely understand :D