almost 4 years ago - Ubisoft - Direct link

Patch 3.1 brings several balancing changes requested by the community, as well as improvements for ammo management in Team deathmatch and multiple bug fixes.


After patch 3.0, we received multiple feedback from the community about the Protocol sniper rifle being too dominant in the revamped Neo Arcadia map; this was also confirmed when looking at weapon data across all platforms. Although some weapons remain more popular, the sniper is supposed to be a secondary weapon and it creates too much pressure when it becomes common at mid-range. We’ll be adjusting the Protocol, along with the Dragonfly for the same reason (although this weapon is not as dominant). We preferred not to touch actual damages, as the overall game balance feels right at the moment and decided to only adjust their ranges and aim assist.

In term of hacks, following the removal of health kit pickables in the map, we decided to buff the Heal hack, as its regeneration rate felt a bit low compared to the average damage/second. With the revamped map having more open spaces, it made hiding to heal a bit trickier and this should help players overall with that in mind. Finally, we’re very happy to see the positive response from the community on the Firewall hack, but we agree that its current duration is a bit long compared to other deployable hacks. We’ve decided to reduce it – this should maintain its value during a fight while preventing a few excessive cases.


  • Decreased overall Bullet Magnet intensity
  • Decreased Bullet Magnet range
  • Decreased Damage Falloff range (damage falloff will now start at 100m, previously 200m)


  • Decreased Bullet Magnet range
  • Decreased Damage Falloff range (damage falloff will now start at 75m, previously 100m)


  • Heal Across Fusion (HP/s): +20%


  • Effect Duration: 20s (previously 60s)



We received feedback from players about increased ammo pressure in TDM. This is logical given that with fully fused equipment players have less incentive to loot. Picking weapons to fuse was also naturally increasing the ammo reserves in the process. There is of course a learning curve for players to adapt to a new situation, but we agree the current pressure is a bit high.

So, we are changing the way ammo reserves work in TDM (this does not affect Crown Rush): - The initial ammo reserves will be increased for all weapons. - From now on when players respawn their ammo reserves will be reset to that initial value. - As before, their magazines will also be refilled when respawning (unchanged).

Players will not be able to hoard ammo anymore but should no longer be stuck in an “ammo depleted” situation either. This should prevent camping too long at a position and help respawned players get back into the match faster to compete.



  • Fixed an issue where zone damage would be triggered in normal zones after a second chance reinsertion.


  • Fixed collision issues on the Hillside map
  • Fixed Drone collisions in District 3.


  • Fixed Harpy ammo counter display on BUN-E, SPEEDRUN and SUBZERO skins


  • Fixed the Battlepass Tier Up Celebration Screen only displaying 101 when earning a Tier past 101.
  • Fixed the “Pistolero” challenge description.
  • Fixed “Empowered Hacker” challenge on Ubisoft Connect.
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to see their squad members in squad menu.
  • Fixed an issue where the squad leader would start a match without rest of his team.
  • Fixed an issue where the Special Daily Gift could not be claimed.
  • Fixed an issue where the voice chat was missing on the match results screen.
  • (TWITCH) Fixed an issue where Twitch subscribers did not receive an invitation when inviting from any of the three existing tiers in the Twitch Extension.
  • (SHOP) Fixed an issue where currency offers were unavailable on UAT environment on PC.


  • Fixed game icon on the Home Screen after downloading the Y1S3 patch on retail PS5.
  • Fixed Menu overlap when player gets invited.
  • Fixed issues with item previews when switching between items in Battlepass.
  • Fixed missing preview for SWAG” and “DEAD TIRED” emotes.
  • Fixed multiple text localization issue for certain shops items.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Continue” button would disappears when the party leader starts matchmaking.
  • Fixed an issue in Team Deathmatch mode were Team Icons on Scoreboard were displayed in low resolution on consoles.
  • Fixed an issue where the Open World Map button was is overlapped by Pause button.
  • Fixed an issue where the Crossplay setting was still interactable in the Live lobby or during the match.


  • Fixed multiple crashes and improved the general stability of the game.
  • Fixed sound issues when launching the game before it is fully loaded.