Hello, I just spent the last few days working my way up to Champion in Hyperscape and I wanted to know if it will give me a cosmetic, a cool trail or something in the next season? I think that would be amazing and rewarding considering I had to play solo with majority level 10 randoms against stacked teams to eventually get my badge. If the badges don’t have any meaning in the next upcoming seasons then I don’t think there will be a real purpose/drive for playing ranked in upcoming seasons.
A few streamers call it a “participation badge.” And I refuse to believe that’s the case.. especially with how challenging the matches can be :( I hope that in future there will be some type of “ranked badges” with “trails” or a champion cosmetic thing (but if you make a skin please make it gender neutral 🙏) in the avatar customization place so that you can equip the badge with a trail or cosmetic, or anything on your character just to show off the accomplishment.
I don’t know if it was a “participation badge” for high skilled streamers that were three stacking for 6 hours a day in trios but for me I had finally accomplished something big in a game and I hope I get the chance to always have a badge or cosmetic that represents that. 💜
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