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As mentioned by the title this article is a collection of feedback gathered from multiple sources that have been compiled to present certain aspects which the community currently struggles with.

First of all, it is necessary to admit that the post is biased from the perspective that it mainly focused on the rather skilled and loyal players from which we have collected opinions. The feedback has also been collected from mostly PC players with no sizable input from console players. To combat the bias to a certain extent the article also tries to include feedback from casual players as well.

The reasoning for choosing this sample group is because the feedback offered comes from people that have been involved with Hyperscape since the closed test, therefore it showcases meaningful insights that would help the game flourish.

The limitations here are obviously the small sample size, the limited time frame in which the feedback was collected, and the negative emotional and mental state in which some of the players find themselves in.

Feedback Regarding the Current State of the Game

The feedback provided will follow the patch notes for the launch of Season 2 in Hyperscape, but will also touch on certain issues which were present in the game prior to the launch of Season 2.


In its current state, the Atrax is an extremely oppressive weapon in the hands of most players. Coupled with hacks such as the Magnet/Shockwave it provides instant burst damage that enables full team wipes.

A possible change in the ROF or clip size could potentially enable counterplay. Also, the explosion AOE coupled with the many available surfaces and the ensuing chaos in any team-based game modes often leads to accidental deaths.

The chemical projectiles are hard to distinguish and barely audible in gunfights therefore enables little to no counterplay.


The Magnet hack is extremely oppressive in any team-based game mode as it can be used multiple times by different players, therefore dislocating their opponents almost entirely from their desired positions and preventing any movement outplays.

It also is extremely strong when coupled with explosive weapons such as the Skybreaker or Atrax leading to potential instant team wipes.

Clip from Killuminati

Player Ranking System

Currently, the ranking system in Hyperscape is rather lack-luster providing no meaningful impact upon the gameplay, aside from giving players a visible tag as a reward.

Potentially the ranked game mode could be moved to the Solo mode since it would offer a clearer gage for your personal development and skill. In that case, the trios/duos game mode would become a place where players can enjoy their time with friends and not care too much about the outcomes of the rounds.

This makes sense from the perspective that Hyperscape takes on many characteristics of arena shooters, which traditionally have mainly Solo ranked game modes.

Game Modes Playlist

The removal of the Solo game mode has been a point of contention for a big part of the Hyperscape community, Solos being the preferred game mode for many of the players.

Because of the previously mentioned arguments, the Solo game mode should become the permanent ranked mode with trios/duos being rotating LTM’s.

A forced team-based game mode feels limiting to many players especially with the introduction of the possibility to acquire ranks. Unlike games that absolutely require team-play, Hyperscape thrives on the idea of individual prowess and technique considering its arcade shooter roots.

Overall Settings Changes

The addition of the auto-run feature is a great improvement to the quality of life in Hyperscape. Also, the removal of red the skull indicator after a kill greatly improves visibility during combat.

At the same time, the current visual settings bug, where these seem to always be on the ultra-high preset, resulting in decreased visibility needs to be addressed as soon as possible! This bug leads to lower FPS, higher input-lag, and diminishes overall gameplay comfort.

Issues Present Prior to the Launch of Season 2 and Possible Improvement


  • The heal hack needs a bigger hitbox to enable clear counterplay
  • The invisible hack needs louder sound effects upon activation for clearer counterplay or instantly cloaks the player but once the player is hit it deactivates.
  • The invulnerability hack should not proc the passive health regen until it expires

Overall these possible changes would lead to a less oppressive invis+invulnerability meta and would make the placement of the heal hack more important therefore leading to more counterplay possibilities.

Explosive Meta

The addition of the new Atrax weapon and the slight buff to the Komodo shows a clear intention to continue the reign of the explosive weapon meta. Currently, both indoors and outdoors the explosive weapons are excellent choices that have been proven to be too good at their intended use-case.

This has created an issue where the explosive weapon category has become extremely oppressive, creating an environment where skilled weapons would be outclassed easily. This situation was exacerbated with the use of certain hacks and with the re-introduction of the magnet hack the situation further deteriorated.

The salvo invis+invulnerability meta has plagued the majority of Season 1 and now with the addition of the Atrax and with no changes to the Salvo, this specific playstyle continues to thrive.

A way to balance the current situation without needing to significantly change the explosive weapons is to rework the loot table, making it so the explosive weapons become a rare commodity instead of being omnipresent.

In this way, the explosive weapons will not feel as oppressive since not everyone will have access to them, therefore resulting in more balanced gameplay overall.

This idea can also be intertwined with the Supply Crate event, where the golden explosive weapons could be found only there. With that change, the Supply Crate event would gain value, the explosive weapons would gain value, and the event itself would become a POI resulting in more dynamic gameplay.

The Sniper Scoping Flash Fix/Bugs

Currently, the sniper scopes create a flash of light as an indicator for the opponents to be aware and take cover. Unfortunately in this current state, the flashlight is too big, covering the entire body of the enemy sniper, making it hard to land a shot. This also makes the sniper vs sniper fights very random since you cannot see the enemy outline until you have placed your crosshair on them.

Besides this, the flashing light also seems to appear randomly when people use the invisibility hack making them easy targets.

The Reveal Event

Currently, whenever the reveal event is triggered the overwhelming change in brightness leads to discomfort and reduced visibility.

The Melee Event

The melee event should include clearer visual/audio feedback that would tell the player to adjust their playstyle.

This could be done in the form of glowing melee weapons, screen indicators, clear SFX indicating the change in game modes.


This list of ideas and thoughts has been created with the sole purpose of trying to help the production team and the dev team of Hyperscape by providing useful feedback. All of the people involved in the writing of this feedback blog truly love Hyperscape and wish it would evolve to its full potential.

Authors: vile_is_dead, ForceElement.

Source: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZJ5bllorFTIJx8Rq4SNbSZzE7m2ED4dCueS0ACw49_c/edit#

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over 4 years ago - /u/UbiArcane - Direct link


Thanks everyone for putting together such great feedback. I love seeing thought out and well articulated feedback!


We have seen feedback on both being strong. We are discussing it with the development team, as well as looking at the game data.

Player Ranking System / Game Modes Playlist

We understand the frustration with the recent playlist changes. We love Solo Mode too. Right now, as mentioned in our Where Are We Going, we are focused on making sure not to split the player base against several playlist. However, taking player population into account, we will always be evaluating what permanent and LTM modes are available and ensure we are bringing the best modes to the community.

Overall Settings Changes

We are aware of the current visual settings bugs and did a hot patch yesterday to help resolve the issue with the textures. If you continue to experience an issue, please use our new bug reporting tool >> https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/hyper-scape/communitybugreporter/

Explosive Meta

For this, it is the same as the Atrax/Magnet. The strength/popularity of every weapon/hack is constantly monitored and discussed by the team. At this time, we are not discussing lowering loot tables but rather looking at making sure each weapon and hack is balanced and fun to use.

Sniper Scoping / Reveal Event / Melee Event

We are aware of all three points of feedback on these topics and have already sent it to the development team for further investigation.

Thanks again for all the feedback!