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When I play a game, any game, I play it to have fun, to enjoy what the game has to offer. I don't want to make a game my second job, I don't want to have to study it or train real hard in order to start having fun with it. I'm a casual player, after all.

In its current state, Hyper Scape is not a game where casual players can have some decent fun. It's almost like this game is designed for the streamers and sweats. While it's cool to watch someone with 20+ kills playing, most of these kills are clueless people who just joined the game and don't even have the opportunity to see what this game has to offer, before being killed by some TTV kid.

The advertising for this game was awful and unless you actively look for it, you won't even know this game exists. Why not bringing this game to Steam? As consequence, you have a small player base that has no perspective of growth and being that small, you can't work on SBMM, which drives all the potential new players away. Also, why add ranks if they have no purpose other than show that you're being stomped by some really experienced player? I see a lot of "git gud or gtfo" comments around here, but what people fail to notice, is that everyone is actually getting out.

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over 4 years ago - /u/UbiArcane - Direct link

Hey everyone, just wanted to clarify that the game is not designed specifically just for hardcore competitive players. In fact, in our Where Are We Going post, we outlined that new player/casual players are one of our focuses moving into the forward. We want the game to have a place for all types of players. We are actively listening to feedback from the entire community to help make the game the best it can be :).