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That being stated, just a couple of reviews that I hope we get some answers on relatively soon. First off, you guys are great. Hyperscape is a great game and from a graphical, map, hit registration, and support standpoint it is awesome. Thank y'all for this game I know it was not a safe option in this slow paced oriented, campy, headglitching, twitch shooter era of fps. But you guys are still trying and supporting that takes heart, thank you. That being said, I still have a couple of qualms, 1 as an xbox player and one as just a Hyperscape player.

  1. The controller aim settings. I know you guys just added linear curve which is great for people that enjoy linear curve. But a lot of us are Standard curve junkies. One problem I have in Hyperscape and that many others on controller are having is that they dont like linear so they stick with the classic dual-zone. But many of us dont like that either. In close range it completely destroys some of our fine tune aiming capabilities, and at mid to long I find myself cramping at the hands just to ensure my sensitivity doesnt go haywire by me over aiming. I hope that you guys can add a standard curve, or by the least let the aim acceleration on/off switch actually do something. The more we honest players have to struggle against setting, the more modded controllers and mouse and keyboard are able to distance themselves from us in performance.

  2. The Riot 1. Any actually good player with a mind for efficiency knew that the Riot 1 struggles with balance. Since the beginning of the game. Everyone cried on console about the hexfire. But as a Riot 1 enjoyed myself, the only truly severely unbalanced weapon in the game is the Riot 1. This is for both console and PC. Every top tier squad or solo player they always run Riot 1. You make it to top 5 squads or top 5 players. There is no mistake you are going to be hearing the Riot 1. Yes it is a weapon that rewards skill and I myself have benefited greatly from hitting my shots well (I have a 6 KD over 400 kills with the Riot 1 and a 31% headshot hit rate) it is completely busted. Hyperscape has already evolved into the place that people that are really really good at the other BR's who want a more even competitive, fast paced playground to romp in come to and stay. Skill is rewarded above most else in this game. Most else other than: the Riot 1. I find myself in game feeling naked if I dont have an upgraded riot in my hand. I hear other people using the Riot 1 on a rooftop and I know it would be suicide to challenge them unless I too have a Riot 1. With the Riot 1 you dont have to worry about accuracy over time with things like a ripper. All you have to do is be able to mag dump three shots (if you got a gold one) and hit head once. By the time you notice that you are targeted if caught by surprise, you have already been hit twice and it's likely the third shot is right on the way. It is a cool gun. But when most of the meta is pure Riot that hurts.

These two issues coupled together have been the bane of my frustration. Thank you guys for taking steps. You guys already added a new curve and you already gave a slight damage nerf to the Riot once. You guys are making effort and I am appreciate, and so are your more sensible fans. I propose perhaps a fire rate nerf for the riot? Let it keep its heavy damage. But I would slow down the rate of fire to make it less spammy. It already deletes people too efficiently. Let people not just be all aim no brain with it. Let people have to think and pick fights appropriately. As of right now there is no inappropriate fight with a Riot 1 unless you are indoors on console vs. A salvo or max shotgun

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over 3 years ago - /u/UbiMorning - Direct link

Hey! Thanks for sharing your feedback. I know both of these topics are popular points of discussion from console players.
The team has seen several posts advising for an exponential curve for controller. I don't have details if this is something they are considering, but it has been passed along at least! The team is continuing to read through feedback on the controller experience and working towards improving the experience.
I've noticed the Riot One has started to come up more, especially on Console. The common suggestions I've seen were to either decrease the fire rate or to add damage drop off to the Riot.