almost 2 years ago - KissingAiur - Direct link

Thanks for bringing this up Trikster. I completely agree with you that our auto-aim is something that needs to be reworked to feel better. I personally have run into many situations where I was frustrated as well, particularly for melee and bow skills. One of the problems is I believe auto-aim only currently takes into account the player position relative to enemy targets. That is why the aim redirection feels so snappy when an enemy happens to step a tad closer than other. This can create for awkward situations in combat like your image above and other situations where your character is twisting unnaturally to target something completely behind them.

I have poked the team about my personal complaints with the system. It’s going to be tough squeeze it in with all the other cool stuff we want to do for 1.0 but I will do my best to get a discussion going about this problem. We can possibility find a short-term solution till we have more time to give the system more direct attention.

almost 2 years ago - KissingAiur - Direct link

We can probably turn it off for this conversion, I think that would make sense.

It’s not that auto-aim adjustments isn’t a high prio, it’s more that it needs careful tuning and testing to get right. This would take time. We could add auto-aim toggle for abilities in the future but from a design perspective it’s not a healthy approach because it would just push back design development and urgency for a UX pass of the feature.

almost 2 years ago - KissingAiur - Direct link

clip by Lizard to help spark discussion for auto-aim changes going forward - Twitch

I brought this up to our lead designer and he was taking a look at it. I can’t remember if there was any movement to address auto-aim specifically for melee abilities (melee abilities’ auto aim is a lot more loose then non-melee skills).

I fully agree auto-aim in this situation is feels extremely odd and shouldn’t happen in natural gameplay.