over 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

This will be changed in future.

The current functionality dates back to our pre-alpha demos when the goal was just to make it be possible. In future you’ll be able to perform some skill tree changes without losing all of your points. That said, we do not intend on making it possible to constantly hotswap your build. We don’t want minor changes to feel punishing, but we also don’t want people alternating between a boss killer set-up and a speed clear set-up. Hope that helps clarify things. :slight_smile:

over 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

A character which specializes in boss killing will be able to defeat normal enemies, just as one which focuses on regular enemies will be capable of killing bosses.

I’d further note that some (most?) builds won’t have such a narrow focus.

This argument appears to be predicated on the premise that giving people more choices will inherently increase their freedom / “fun”. I would argue that this is not the case.

There is such a thing as the trap of having too many choices. We would prefer for people to know that there is no single ‘best’ build for all content, to choose one they think they will enjoy, and to put it out of their mind and simply enjoy playing the game.

The choice between having an optimal set-up and not is no choice at all. So if people can choose to have the ideal set-up for each part of the game, they will. No matter how convenient we might make changing between one build and another, it will still be work that is effectively downtime. Added to that is the challenge of supporting multiple builds - needing to have additional equipment for other builds, spending longer looking at each item to determine whether it is an upgrade for one of your builds, and so on.

Just because we are restricting choices does not mean we are “restricting fun.”

This strikes me as being an argument against free respecs rather than one in favor of them. To permit them would be to have people spend more time in UI windows building and re-building their characters, rather than killing enemies, crafting items, and picking up loot.

Well, this is what I was arguing against in the post you chose to disagree with. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not entirely sure what it is you’re trying to argue here - it feels like your post is split between two different positions. Are you asking for a ‘training room’ of sorts where you can temporarily try any build? If so, it might be worth creating a different thread for that topic.