6 days ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Hey travelers,

We're looking for a die-hard ARPG fan who is well versed in C# and Unity and wants to come in and help us design and develop skills, items, bosses, etc. If this is you or a buddy you know please send them our way to apply here!: https://eleventhhourgames.bamboohr.com/careers/75

The team is completely remote and distributed so we're looking for the best passion for the genre and talent we can find.

It's a pretty fun role I must admit. A little jealous I have to run the studio and not do this myself =D

- Judd
Founder/Game Director LE

External link →
6 days ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Hey travelers,

We're looking for a die-hard ARPG fan who is well versed in C# and Unity and wants to come in and help us design and develop skills, items, bosses, etc. If this is you or a buddy you know please send them our way to apply here!: https://eleventhhourgames.bamboohr.com/careers/75

The team is completely remote and distributed so we're looking for the best passion for the genre and talent we can find.

It's a pretty fun role I must admit. A little jealous I have to run the studio and not do this myself =D

- Judd
Founder/Game Director LE

External link →
6 days ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by Winter_Ad_2618

Do you guys ever hire entry level positions?

We haven't in a while and admittedly I don't currently see upcoming junior roles. We had a lot of junior people who just loved ARPGs back in the early days with our little bag of Kickstarter and Early Access sales money. Now that we've grown we're focused on leveling up the team and staffing with vetted talent these days. But, I still prioritize love and passion for the genre over nearly everything. I can nearly always find both.

6 days ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by Guitarplay825

What’s the salary, and why isn’t it listed on the job description?

Ranges based on multiple factors like experience, geolocation which have wide ranges of cost of living, etc. Pay bands are in-line with what you'd find at a local AA or triple-i studio though. It's not to be sneaky, lowball, or anything like that.

6 days ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by _Repeats_

He's being diplomatic in saying there are a ton of laid-off game devs with experience right now. I don't see junior roles coming back anytime soon unless you form your own studio like they did...

There's defintely a lot of talent available right now due to the state of the industry. However, especially for this role, a stacked resume is not what Im looking for. I need someone that eats, breaths, and sleeps ARPGs and knows how to code in Unity... industry experience is a distant third variable if that.

6 days ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by apollo19457

I hope this is you guys expanding and not replacing people who left/fired

Yep! Just expanstion. We actually just hired another for the same role about a month ago and we've seen it be so impactful that we're wanting to bring in another. For one of the systems we have coming we definitely can use the man power.

6 days ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by voxa91

Is there any chance to be hired as a remote developer?

Yes. However, there is zero chance of being hired as an in-person developer. Hah.

6 days ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by FrozenSentinel1

Sounds like a cool position.

As a non game dev I find it really interesting that it falls under the design department when it sounds like a dev role, I'm guessing the C# portion is more configuration heavy using existing tools? Or would this role be truly interdisciplinary and also be responsible for extending logic to support new items / skills, etc. in addition to actual "design" stuff, animations, etc.?

Best of luck to the candidates :)

We find that people that come into this sort of role at the studio are good at, and want to work on, nearly all things that modify gameplay, character progression, etc. We've had developers in this role previously that had less of an understanding of the game systems and mechanics and it's painful because the team has to explain things constantly... why things will work together, why they wont, how they feed off each other, why we can't do that thing because that one unique item, etc.

It's just much more efficient and enjoyable when we have people who love and know the game systems developing them without the separation that many studios have of throwing a design document over the wall to a developer. Luckily, the ARPG community is a great place to find solid developers and because people who love these games play them for hundreds/thousands of hours they often organically have some design sense.

6 days ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by Akkuma

If you all needed any web app or related things like first party APIs etc I'd be interested as I'm a very senior engineer. Unfortunately, never been in the game industry otherwise. ARPG creds, godly plate of the whale wearer.

```ARPG creds, godly plate of the whale wearer```
Sounds like a sign on bonus is due =D

No, unfortunately this is an in-engine role working closely with the design and dev team

6 days ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by Arrcival

Very interesting, would that position work for a >5y C# dev, personal experience with unity and game dev but no professional one ? I feel like that may be a turn down but I still feel like I should give it a go !

Possibly! You'd be screened for a code quality assessment. Do you have a ton of experience in playing ARPGs? Send an application in.

5 days ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by BellacosePlayer

We're looking for a die-hard ARPG fan

That's me. I even got my money's worth out of launch Wolcen lol.

who is well versed in C#

10 years experience with .net 👉😎 👉

And that's professional experience, not "I built an array in C# in college" experience.

and Unity

I have Years of indie experience in Unity, with a published game on steam even. If you ever want to scrap the silly 3d fad and put the entire game on the UI layer with Images/Rawimages, I'm your man. But don't tell my current boss. I've been reading up on this "overemployment" concept, and I'm intrigued.

Oh, don't call you, you'll call me? Awesome.

I laughed. Send in an application if you’re interested! I’m going through these personally.