I like playing trade more than SSF/Circle of Fate, but...
One of the worst things that can happen to an ARPG is have players ruin its economy by duping. After launch last year we quickly saw certain chase items skyrocket to levels of gold that were otherwise unfarmable in-game because they were being duped. This lead to it basically becoming SSF - if you were lucky enough to naturally drop one you could sell it and maybe start trading for some of those other chase items, but you could never bridge that gap by ramping up your own finances.
I haven't followed LE too closely since S1, since I've been waiting for S2 and it's just taken this long. Has EHG talked about security and keeping a lid on this type of cheating in S2? Because if it still is possible, it will almost assuredly happen in the first couple of weeks and it will destroy the economy again
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