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Since yesterday evening, I can't connect.

Besides the fact that it's very frustrating, I have my boosters in progress... And of course, I would lose them without being able to enjoy them.

He tells me about "updated security measures". 

My game is well up to date. 

The application is also up to date. 

I checked the files 4 times via Ubi

Reinstalled the Ubi connection twice

And last night I reinstalled the game completely.

And of course still the same problem after all this.

And ubi doesn't seem to be very reactive on this issue....

Almost 48 hours without being able to play. My boosters are working for nothing.

almost 6 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Sorry to hear about this!

Could you please upload a log file? We have a guide concerning this here.

If you create a new character, are you able to log in and play on that one?

about 3 years ago - EA_Illium - Direct link

HI @DishiestSun6223 To check have you tried the below steps then relaunching to see if you get the same message? 


  • Alternate Mac: 
    • Go to settings > Select General  > Then Network settings 
    • Go to advanced settings > Alternate Mac address > Select clear 
    • Select restart 
  • Check for additional content 
    • Press the Xbox "X" button on your controller > Select My Games and Apps 
    • Under Games, scroll to your game and press Start 
    • Select Manage Game and add ons > Select the Game (will shows version) on the right (top choice of the three) 
    • Then Manage Installation on Xbox one > Should show additional downloads and files if needed 

If so does this happen on any other accounts on the console (if there are additional ones)?


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over 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @Seb-26, sorry to see you're having some trouble getting connected.

First, I would suggest running through all of the connectivity troubleshooting, including the port forwarding steps. Once that is complete, try to get connected again and let me know if you are still having trouble!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Auron - Direct link

Hey everyone!

Thank you for providing us with more information and screenshots about this. I've forwarded everything to our team for further investigation. As soon as we have more information to share, we'll do so in this thread.

I have also updated the title to make it easier to find for any other players looking for answers, hope you don't mind 😊 Our team is still gathering repors on this, so please make sure to post below, if you're also experiencing this and haven't informed us yet, thanks!

In the meantime, if you still haven't done so, please make sure that you've completed all the connectivity troubleshooting steps for your platform. Our guide on how to do it for PC can be found here, thanks!

Please note, the thread will show the issue is solved but that happens when we pin an answer like this to the top of the thread for more visibility, it doesn't mean the issue is actually solved.

over 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Please open a support ticket and we may be able to help Support.lastepoch.com. Have you verified game files via Steam already?