4 months ago - EHG_Mike - Direct link

Hey, you asked me to check this out on stream last Friday so I’ve finally gotten around to reading it. Overall it’s a fun idea with some neat nuggets in it. I think that there are a few angles that you can approach this type of thing from. I’m coming at it from the perspective of “If we were going to add a 6th base class into Last Epoch, what would that look like?” So what are we looking for from a 6th base class and its masteries? I think the most important thing is to create a framework to explore new gameplay and thematic styles. I said this on stream already so it’s probably no shock, The Warrior feels very thematically and mechanically similar to Primalist and Sentinel.

There are elements in here that are things which were cut from the game due to some technical limitations and others that just haven’t made it into the game yet so you’ve got some good stuff in here. I just think that the high level concept for the class doesn’t work given that Primalist and Sentinel exist already. For example, Warrior, Barbarian and Beast could be combined together and added as a 4th Primalist mastery and Dragon Knight could be tweeked and expanded on to make the 4th Sentinel Mastery. I don’t think that there is room for The Warrior as a base class in the current ecosystem. Just so many of the skills you listed have straight 1:1 versions that already exist on other, similarly themed classes.

I saw that you had another full class suggestion too. That was similarly not something we can really implement in Last Epoch so if you’re considering taking another stab at it, I would recommend starting from the question: “What themes and gameplay mechanics are missing that I can use to create a new class with?” Alternatively, you could consider writing up a new mastery for an existing class.