almost 3 years ago - EHG_Dodo - Direct link

New 3D Art

Welcome Travelers to day five of the Enduring, 9 day, Extended Hype Week, Patch Spectacle*TM!

Some say form follows function, Depths of Eterra update states that sometimes form follows fashion. Introducing updated 3D models for 25 existing Uniques, patch 0.8.5 introduces a new appreciation for some of the amazing art in Last Epoch, and allows your enemies to see some of this new art up close and personal like never before. Check out some examples below!

Aberrant Call

AC_Preview1920×1080 148 KB


AUR_Preview1920×1080 175 KB

Death’s Embrace

DE_Preview1920×1080 151 KB

Flayer’s Pride

FP_Preview1920×1080 180 KB

Hell Reach

HR_Preview1920×1080 179 KB


CHRONO_Preview1920×1080 210 KB

The Judicator

JUD_Preview1920×1080 176 KB

Leviathan Carver

LC_Preview1920×1080 177 KB

Reach of the Grave

RotG_Preview1920×1080 194 KB

Reign of Winter

RoW_Preview1920×1080 159 KB

Tempest Maw

TM_Preview1920×1080 188 KB

Vilatria’s Downfall

VD_Preview1920×1080 155 KB

You might be expecting us to say here “This concludes day five of the Enduring, 9 day, Extended Hype Week, Patch Phenomenon*TM”. However not this time! Instead keep your eyes out for our post later today on the new Wraith models being introduced in Patch 0.8.5 Depths of Eterra!

March 9th- Depths of Eterra update Announcement
March 10th - New Uniques
March 11th - Dungeon - Soulfire Bastion
March 12th - Catalyst Rework
March 13th - New Unique Models
March 13th - New Wraith Models
March 14th - New Armor Set Models
March 15th - Arena Champions
March 16th - Dungeon - The Lightless Arbor
March 17th - Patch Notes & Video Overview
March 18th - Depths of Eterra Launch Day!

almost 3 years ago - EHG_Kain - Direct link

We’re planning to eventually have 3d models for all Unique Weapons and Offhands. The provided examples are included in the 25 getting new models this update.

almost 3 years ago - Mike_Weicker - Direct link

We don’t have it decided upon yet but at least once a week I overhear someone on staff say that they tried to rotate their character on the select screen again. I mean, I do it myself every time the game starts up.

almost 3 years ago - EHG_Kain - Direct link

My apologies for the misunderstanding. No, the new Uniques introduced in 0.8.5 will not have 3d models yet, and so are not included in the 25 Unique count. The reason for this is Uniques are generally finalized near the end of a patch cycle as they require a good amount of back and forth for ideas and balance, and 3d art takes a fair amount of time to complete.

A lot of ideas for Uniques don’t get implemented, and as 3d art takes time, they would need to start fairly early in the patch cycle. It would be a waste to have 3d artists work on models for ideas we decide not to implement later in the cycle for various reasons.