In this meta, junglers effectiveness is gauged solely around who can full clear into scuttle contest faster. Champions like Udyr, Hecarim and Olaf literally turbo clear the jungle and are super strong for one sided skirmishes at 3:15 against many champions.
Junglers like Sejuani, Zac, Ivern, amumu and zac feel borderline unplayable since you'll full clear slower, get double crabbed and have no pressure to defend your own jungle or invade the enemy jungle all game unless your team snowballs.
Champions like Kindred, Jarvan, Lee Sin, and Rek' Sai feel like coinflips whose fate is decided by 5:00 because picking them against the current meta junglers relies on you using your small window of early game advantage to get a cheeky gank/invade to succeed and snowball off that.
And once these champions fall behind, they are doomed. Fail a gank bot and get invaded? Get ready to give up that side of your jungle forever or die to the three level up Olaf as he invades it.
TL;DR jungle is such a punishing role to fall behind on that the current cast of junglers makes a huge portion of the cast feel unplayable/super reliant on early plays. Why are they trying to make Zed Jungle a thing while jungle is in one of the worst positions it has been in a while?
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