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I mean sorry to be rude but I mean c’mon you guys… you cannot tell me that the billionaire company riot games or Tencent whatever cannot hire more people to work on at least 2 ASUS PER year. Sorry but I can name at least a few champions are that in desperate need of an update and that it’s simply ridiculous to have in the game due to the fact that they look simply bad (Janna, corki, Zilean) or that they have have even appeared in other riot games or cinematics with a different look (misfortune, Leblanc, Sona) is it really going to take 10 years to have 10 more asus?

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about 2 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Remember that many of the ASU champions have 10+ skins. It's not just 1 champion, it's essentially 10 champs (especially if any skins are legendary).