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over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Oopsifartedsorry

/u/reav3 said he believes this will be the most mechanically intense champ in the game with a lot of outplay potential. I am so excited.

Mastery of this Champ will require almost fanatical faith

over 5 years ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Feed me more Aphelios memes my children. Probama hungers.

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by RayFrost

Hey u/Reav3, can you answer if he'll be released this year?

I don't ever comment on release dates

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Williamson_lol

I’m getting kind of annoyed at them seemingly never releasing junglers anymore.

We have a jungler in development. We are also working on both a Fiddle and Volibear VGU

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by H4jr0

wait does that mean the juggernaut is a jungler? we havent had a new toplaner since Ornn

The juggernaut is not the jungler

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by LingeBlack

With the voli and fiddle reworks, what lanes are you primarily wanting them in?


over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by xShockey

so his winratio on release will be worse than yuumi? I hope so, otherwise he's not that mechanically intense

I feel like it will be, but we will see. Yuumi's winrate being low was less about her mechanical difficulty and more about the fact that Yuumi players were learning to play her at the same time that ADCs also had to learn to play with her, so it's hard to say

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Hairy-Supermarket

Yeah, a "whimsical" jungler, which means it will be boring and braindead to play just like all "whimsical" champs. Jungle is absolutely starved for mechanically intensive champs, Lee is basically all we get.

Hmm Zoe, Fizz and Lulu are all whimsical Champs that aren't brain dead to play

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]



over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by RuneKatashima

Yasuo mains can go somewhere now maybe.

I also have my doubts about your statement. Unless they have a mechanic that is detached from them (think Orianna), requires mechanical positioning (Vayne), requires a lot of inputs (Lee Sin), buffs/objects to track (Yasuo/Irelia), and also and most importantly knowledge of every skill in the game and their cues and often just body language in order to counteract them (spellshield/riposte).

I'll bet you do 2 of them, with such a bold statement; 3. Never 5 and almost never the last one.

Does it seem hard enough for you?

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Aphelios looks absurdly hard, was that one of his product goals

Kind of. The product goal for Aphelios was to make a Champion with a high mastery curve through many different combinations of abilities rather then reflex based mobility tools, where most of our high mastery curve Champions reside