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I want to outline my initial thoughts of what works well and what wheels feel squeaky after playing about 6 hours of Arena 0.3.0 in PBE last night. Please feel free to add feedback to the following, or to disagree if a mechanic that I liked or didn't struck you differently.

Organized by delta from 0.2 to 0.3.0:

Number of teams: Pretty much a fully net positive. Having more players and fewer early game redundancies makes counter matchups decided in draft feel less like they dictate the outcome. The only pain point here is 8 bans, meaning only the first choice player gets to ban: I understand the baseline logic behind keeping bans static at 8, if only to keep more variables static between iterations and avoiding too many champs that never see play, but I think the 'feel good' approach would be to give all 16 players bans, and to tweak balance in the mode itself for champs who see 50%+ ban rates as result of the higher ban quantity.

Lobby/UI: Choncc as shopkeeper is pretty amazing, even if it is just for the Empyrean thematic. Would be great to see Little Legend tacticians as the mode shopkeepers given the thematic crossover with TFT via augments and anvils--very good IP crossover to tie together. The 8 lobby cells feel a bit cramped, but the need to be able to move around in that 30s is such a minor concern it doesn't merit addressing.

The biggest pain point here is lack of UI clarity. I like the new UI and feel it is necessary for the larger number of teams, but unless I am just missing it, stat shard selections (my own as well as others') are simply not displayed. Additionally, the normal expanded stats tab in the bottom left seems truncated so I cannot see other stats like omnivamp at any given point.

Prismatic Items/Augments: Worth mentioning the few new augments I have seen have been related to anvils (pricing/selling/etc), which feel impactful for high roll playstyles.

As a system, Prismatic Items feel great and offer high roll players a real chance to shine even with unusual picks (Moonflair spellblade/Runecarver Sona anyone?). I think the potency of some items will need to be tweaked (down specifically), but I will leave u/Adeadmansname or others with more data driven mindsets to break these down. Also, some of the 'returning' items feel as if they could use a boost (Radiant Virtue and Everfrost in my opinion), but again data will do a better job driving this than my anecdotal experiences.

Pain points would be not being able to shift hover over proc effects in the triple card selection screen to see ratios of scaling effects. Should be done.

Really loving the changes overall. Thank you for the extended period of play in advance!

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10 months ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Originally posted by Awkward-Security7895

16 bans isn't a thing since it isn't possible with the client rn.

They would need Todo major UI and behind the scenes changes to allow them so better to put those resources more into the mode.

The client could handle 16 bans, but it took up too much space, extended time in champ select and played against breadth motivations of the mode.

If we're trying to encourage people to play more stuff, more bans works against that. Having said that, too few bans, means a few meta dominant picks.

If we allowed everyone to ban at once, there were too many duplicates selected. Best threading of design intent and all of the above was 8 bans.

10 months ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Originally posted by imdoomz

Am I the only one who feels like the pacing of when you get gold / augments feels like shit now? I can't really put my finger on why, but it just feels bad.

yeah this is something we're monitoring closely. If you get a better pulse on it, let us know.

The design intent is that we think ~3 items 3-ish augments is the best state of moment to moment combat pacing. (Similar to League's 3 legendary items + boots timing).

It allows for the most dynamic fights, everyone has enough HP-ish, CD's are roughly in the right spots and we want to extend those combats as much as possible (so we use stat anvils and other things to achieve that).

Having said that, it directly fights against players' ability to just get power and construct a build. We ultimately need to weigh up is it more fun for players to just get a whole bunch of augments and items and reach the "blitzcrank is permanently knocking up this person" faster or is it better to realize "peak arena combat".

That direct tradeoff is pretty unclear to us and time will tell.