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Our hairy boy needs a little bit more than just 2 casts on his R. I mean come on, what was Riot thinking?

Imagine this: you play your lane, and suddenly your enemy laner wants to trade. No problem, slap him with your stick to show dominance. He wants to continue? Ok then bamboozle him and make your clone attack him too. You press R, and the enemy wants to run away because he overestimated his power against the mighty man himself.

But wait? There comes the enemy jungler? No worries, charge at him with your E, cast your R for the 2nd time, get these sweet double buffs and make him regret his decision to get into your field of vision, because that's how far you can travel with e and q.

But wait? Suddenly enemy botlane rotates top too, and now Wukong has absolutely nothing to beat these guys up. I mean come on. Give him a break. How is he supposed to close the game pre 20 minutes without being able to properly 1v4 ? Show Wukong some love, and give his R a third cast.

While we are at that, what would you guys think about this: anytime he leaves a bush, he can Rengar-like leap and cleave for AoE damage. This would help him to push waves faster, and the enemy laner won't leave his tower anyway unless he wants to int to accelerate the process of the lost game. So therefore the game would end faster, noone has to waste time, and the enemies can cry for only 18 minutes why they didn't ban him.

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over 4 years ago - /u/RiotWeeknd - Direct link

He should also helicopter over walls with his R