I'm sick and tired of smurfs/fresh accounts in my games.It's either some really toxic player perma typing (hence why they just bought a new account) or some high elo player who stomps his lane .Needless to say this brings down the game experience for many players. It's sad to see atleast one lvl 31 account in every ranked game we play. Why does riot allow an account into ranked queue which has'nt even played a single normal game before and only bot games ?It's unhealthy for the game.An Idea to semi fix it is to force accounts to play atleast 10 normal games per 3 months to be able to queue ranked for the first time. (This obviously makes it harder for botted accounts to be able to instanly queue ranked)
Edit: Naturually people want proof
This is my account https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/J%20Wizzly
- vlad game: ekko new acc
- 0/1 twitch game: zed new acc
- ziggs game: gnar AND renekton new acc
- 18/6 twitch game: ekko AND j4 new acc
- vayne game: Kha zix new acc
- pyke game Kindred new acc
that is litereally 6 games in a row for you, with a minimum of one new account per game. Take into account that I defined "new account" very strictly meaning lvl 30-40 accounts.
This is only my account, people in the comments have checked their own accounts and approved my complaint, facing new accounts every game.
External link →