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  • Armor/lvl: 5.2 >>> 4.7

  • [E] Molten Shield:

    • Mana cost: 40 >>> 60/65/70/75/80
    • Shield potency AP ratio: 55% >>> 40%

Aurelion Sol

  • HP/lvl: 106 >>> 100

  • [Q] Breath of Light:

    • Burst proc AP ratio: 50% >>> 40%
  • [E] Singularity:

    • AP ratio: 40% >>> 25%
    • Stacks from units dying inside:
      • Epic monster: 10 >>> 5
      • Large monster: 5 >>> 3
  • [R2] The Skies Descend:

    • Slow: 75% >>> 50%
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about 2 years ago - /u/RiotAxes - Direct link

Originally posted by Caenen_

She starts at 19 like a bunch of scaling mages mid lane, so their armor growth is rather high to catch up. List: https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_champions/Armor

I wonder if that's actually 'right' from a design perspective anymore, in particular with the dynamics seen in mid lane, maybe u/PhreakRiot can shed some thoughts on why yes or no?

I wonder if that's actually 'right' from a design perspective anymore

What specifically do you have in mind there?

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotAxes - Direct link

Originally posted by Caenen_

Whether mid lane mages are supposed to specifically start with very low base armor, iirc this is a carryover from old rune page preferences (same reason tanky supports have particularly high starting armor, as players ran both defensive seals and quints on those specifically).

Low armor makes these champions weaker in lane/early game against physical damage sources (lane minions, jungle monsters, AD bruiser and assassin champions). Thus there may be unexplored space here as I see many mage players complain about laning against assassin and bruisers in mid lane (despite ultimately not having a bad winrate in those games), as well as mage players perhaps wanting to explore jungling.

Or I could be completely wrong here and changing their early physical durability would lead to completely different design space problems (mages dominating top lane leaving bruisers stranded, AD assassins having to have their power curves massively altered in a not-fun way to compete with not being able to punish poking ranged mages in mid lane early etc). Hence why I'm trying to incite some discussion with more experienced people on this, I want to learn a thing ot two.

Not sure. Slayers (skirmishers + assassins) have no consistent damage typing, so MR and Armor aren't clear levers between them. And mid lane isn't a rock-paper-scissors relationship. Bruisers beat Slayers and lose to Mages, but Slayers and Mages tend to be matchup-specific. Some mages crush Yasuo, some lose to him.

The biggest thing their level 1 armor is modulating is how dominant they are in bot lane, both support and bot lane carry. So it'd be pretty challenging to up their armor - upsets a lot of mid lane balance while moving more of them out of mid lane entirely.

Suspect tinkering with Slayer base stats is more promising - if they all gained some base armor in exchange for something else (MR, health per 5?), we potentially move the needle on how much Bruiser mid win rates get inflated by countering very popular champions, which makes it easier to allow Bruisers to be present in mid lane without nerfing them. Would have a side effect of moving Slayers towards top lane more often, but I don't know if that's a problem or not.

This is all pretty speculative for now though.