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Hi guys! I'm just a Slovenian high schooler, and I want to become an illustrator someday.

I would like to share a concept I started working on when the Void lore update came to Universe. It made me think on how I could streamline the current void champions to better fit the new aesthetic. I wanted to pick a champion to "update" and I decided to go for Kog, he's a cool champion who's often overlooked. Ultimately, I left the project almost finished and forgot about it - until a few weeks ago, when I found it again in my files. I since polished it and am sharing it with you guys.




Thank you for checking it out. If you want to help me forge a path for myself, please consider checking out my Deviantart. Have a nice day y'all!

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about 5 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

This is really cool! I love when players re-envision our champions...especially to make them more "canon" or appropriately fitting to our universe.
Keep working towards your dream!
PS - I love liondance kog'maw :) Any chance you drew that one up?

about 5 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Originally posted by RazeULikeaPhoenix

did you see the Singed VGU thread from a week back?

that one actually had a really good one thats not too far fetched from what players are already comfortable with. https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/bzn51c/singed_fan_vuredesign/

I like this!! Thank you for sharing!

about 5 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Originally posted by Sneikss

Aah, thanks for noticing me! : >

Really considered Lion dance, but ultimately didn't make the cut because I think it's a really solid skin as it is. That being said, A rocket or something on his back with fireworks spewing out of his mouth seems like a great idea...

fair enough :) Either way, awesome work!