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LGD is too reliant on Ning

IG FPX  被这种队淘汰?简直是耻辱

IG FPX got eliminated by this kind of team? What a disgrace


Is LGD going to make history?!


Those guys from Brazil may the first to go home, but they may not be the first to reach home


RNG, IG, FPX used two years to elevate LPL to being the number one league, LGD only used two days to smash that reputation into smithereens.


Not gonna watch LGD compete anymore, let's just pretend we don't have a 4th seed.

说实话 对面的ez被抓的时候我还很担心 我是多希望lgd输啊

Honestly, I was really worried when ez got caught; I wished so hard for LGD to lose.


(I) Recommend XiYe to retire on the spot.


1 plate of peanut 4 side dishes(trash), still dare to compete in World's stages

(It rhymes in Chinese)

快做高铁回杭州吧 自动放弃别丢人了

Just get on the train back to HangZhou, stop disgracing yourselves and forfeit.


Who gave you the courage to give up a ban?


Can I get a refund if I bought a LGD icon?

Source: https://weibo.com/1255795640/JmrI6oKGb?refer_flag=1001030103_&type=comment


2.决赛是psg R7

3 Ways for LGD to redeem themselves:

  1. LGD wins championship
  2. World's Finals is PSG vs R7
  3. Successfully develop a vaccine for COVID-19
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over 4 years ago - /u/Pastrytime - Direct link

Originally posted by LeotheYordle

The internet is absolutely something we take for granted. The power of instantaneous communication with anyone, anywhere in the world, even being able to speak (virtually) face-to-face would have seemed like magic even just a half century ago.

Hell, just think about League! The ability to play a game this complex with people all over the world seamlessly is incredible all on its own. The closest you could get decades ago was playing board games turn by turn through the mail.

I mean, just think about this broadcast.

Game's played in China, produced in Berlin, routed to LA with no delay noticable enough that we can cast them LIVE and have that go out to hundreds of thousands of fans on multiple streaming platforms.

When a producer in Berlin cues you for a show in LA and it feels almost instant, that's when I realized technology is NUTTY.

So yeah, we certainly take it for granted but I'm glad it's brought us here to my favorite place in League: quality Chinese memes at Worlds.

over 4 years ago - /u/Pastrytime - Direct link

Originally posted by eeept

ah the international language of inting games

It's relatable at all levels of play.

over 4 years ago - /u/Pastrytime - Direct link

Originally posted by DisastrousZone

Just want to pop in and say that you're my favourite personality on the broadcast! Keep up the good work bud.
