With the recent leaks of the champion designs of Seraphine and Samira I worry how champions are designed and marketed to a specific group.
Look, I get it... Riot wants to make some sweet cash off skins and that's totally fine but please not in exchange for creative variety. Runeterra is this mysterious and vast world with characters that come in many forms and different backgrounds and that's what I like so much about this universe.
Sadly, the newest releases are just some hot, humanoid characters (mostly female) with very generic looks. Where are our Cho Gaths, Galios, Yordles etc.? Is this where Riots champ design is heading now? With Seraphine looking extra "k-popish" I got really disappointed and needed to vent somewhere :(
Edit: Oh wow, looks like I hit a sensible point. People calling me names and such. I never said Riot should stop making these Champs or that I don't like them, I just want a little bit more variation. That is all.
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