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over 5 years ago - /u/RiotAether - Direct link

Originally posted by Hawly

30 seconds x 0.55 (45% CDR) = 16.5 seconds

16.5 seconds x 0.6 (Cloud Drake 40% Ulti CDR) = 9.9 seconds

9.9 seconds x 0.75 (Ultimate Hunter 25% Reduction) = 7.425 seconds

Or something like that.


Ult CDR (Cloud Drake, Hunter) sits in a different bucket than regular cdr. Ult and regular multiply with each other (rather than adding the numbers together) to get your final ult cdr. Here's the extreme case which requires:

  1. A fully stacked Ultimate Hunter from Domination
  2. Cosmic Insight from Inspiration
  3. 40% CDR
  4. The elemental rift being Cloud
  5. The enemy team getting drakes 1 and 2 (which can't be Cloud), and you getting 4 out of drakes 3-7 (which are all Cloud)

Regular CDR: 5% from Cosmic Insight + 40% from other sources = 45%

Ult CDR: 40% from Cloud Drake + 25% from Ultimate Hunter = 65%

So your ult cooldown = (100%-45%) * (100%-65%) = 55% * 35% = 19.25% of its original. For Gnar that's 5.775 seconds so OP was basically right.

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotAether - Direct link

Originally posted by Neville_Lynwood

Cool. I love pre-season. Gives that S1 vibe all over again. No idea what the meta will be, no idea what half the shit does because I don't care to memorize the patch notes so I'll have to play to learn.

I like the support item changes, gonna open up some interesting picks.

But it seems like mage supports, damage or enchanters, got giga f**ked early. Less damage from support items AND no more mana regen. That's gonna hurt like hell.

Of course more money for core items. Interesting for sure.

No one should memorize the patch notes except coaches and analysts. Everyone else should memorize the parts that are important to their champ/role/playstyle and figure the rest out from experience.

Source: A patch notes writer.

over 5 years ago - /u/The_Cactopus - Direct link



when you aren't sure whether /u/RiotAether is a berniebro or yanggang

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotAether - Direct link

Originally posted by c_ad

does this still hold after support item is fully completed? in low elo, support mages farm so much, and this would really hurt

Tribute/Spoils go away when the support item is completed so the answer can be yes or no depending on your perspective

::edit:: To signal boost below conversations, the penalty doesn't go away anymore, even when the item is fully upgraded. For added context, this is a harsher rule than with the old items, since mage supports in particular turned into mid-lane mages with 4 wards after finishing Eye of the Watchers. Especially with the 1400 gold free gold supports are getting, we're now saying "you can have either regular farm gold [by selling the item] or the Warding passive, but not both."

over 5 years ago - /u/Riot_R1ggs - Direct link

Originally posted by Yukimura-

I still can't believe riot thinks changing edge of night from an active to a passive is a "buff" that warrants a damage nerf.

Disclaimer: I don't work with or interact with the LoL team but this feels like my fault

I was literally talking to a friend yesterday about how I don't buy EoN because I'm bad at the game and forget about my actives and want an AD banshee's

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotAether - Direct link

Originally posted by Rouge_means_red

Rename Maokai's ult to Twisted Treeline

I sent this to the team over slack last night and got a crash bandicoot reaction. Not entirely sure what that means for the future of this suggestion but wanted to give you the update.

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotAether - Direct link

Originally posted by Rainoutt

Hey u/The_Cactopus or /u/RiotAether , why arent any balance changes on the champions besides Senna (On ARAM)? Are you gonna nerf or balance the champs with all this changes in another 2 weeks or are you gonna hotfix them if they are broken? Thanks for all this changes, have a nice day.

9.24 will have our first round of balance changes based on preseason in 3 weeks (long patch!), and if anything is egregiously busted (like, egregious and not just 'this got stronger') we'll hotfix before then!

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotAether - Direct link

Originally posted by Lord_Charles_I

Aether I have to ask. You wrote:

the earliest Elder can spawn is 26:00 plus time spent in combat with the drakes.

If I understand correctly that can't be right. The first 3 drakes are unique. So lets say Cloud 1st at 5 minutes, Inferno 2nd at 10 minutes. From now on, only mountain spawns.

  • 1st mountain at 15 minutes
  • 2nd at 20 minutes
  • 3rd at 25 minutes
  • 4th at 30 minutes

So in a complete stomp, the earliest is actually 36 minutes disregarding the time spent with taking them down.

Am I getting this wrong?

You don't need four of the same drake to get a soul, just any four drakes! So timing would be 5/10/15/20 mins for the four drakes, then Elder at 26.