

11 Feb


Originally posted by ClownFundamentals

I think it's a mistake to read too much into people criticizing game developers for being low ranked.

I think people just like to get mad at game devs (either because they want to blame others instead of themselves or they're just relentlessly negative) and will find any reason whatsoever to insult them. If the dev is Gold, they're pisslow. If they're Diamond, they're hardstuck. If they're Challenger but lost a game this week, their balance decision will be because they lost that game. If they're a support, they're carried. If they do something new and interesting, it's 200 years and 15-hit passive. If they're a woman, well ...

People are going to find ways to shit on game developers no matter what their rank is, because people on the Internet are shitty to others and instead of discouraging such behavior, the Internet amplifies them.

Normal, sane individuals understand that you don't have to be Challenger to be an authority on the game. The problem is that ...

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On a case by case basis I think that's often been true. But as new players come into the community and see dev rank being used as a common way to criticize decisions, they might start using it too without having the personal experience that helps veteran players read between the lines and understand that dev rank isn't actually the source of the problem. Eventually as the playerbase shifts over the years and those younger players become the main core, the community overall starts thinking that "dev rank is the problem" is a reasonable belief, because that's what the individuals within it have said for the entire time they've played League.

IMO conversations like this post helps reset the drift so we don't reach that point -- but yes, as a result it might feel like an overreaction because we're not at that point yet.

(BTW, this is different than if 'lol silver balance team' really was clearly just a meme and never used seriously -- communities are pretty goo...

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15 Dec


I've been talking to a few folks about the Debonair pass changes, and on this note in particular since to me it has echoes of the first-week Sentinels tuning situation. The team explained that the problem is that the smaller we make the numbers for the repeatable token missions, the more points get lost to rollover.

....which itself is obviously a problem, and as easy as it seems like it should be to solve, there's no cumulative "points" tracker in the background. Changes during the mythic content overhaul will mostly address this, but that's not here yet :X

(As an aside, I do want to confirm the rollover thing is not a secret tactic intentionally built to sneakily squeeze more games from y'all--if we wanted to do that it still would've been better to implement rollover because then we'd have much finer control over how many more games you have to play. We don't get anything extra from people who land at 0 rollover loss or just a couple points' worth.)

... Read more

12 Nov


Originally posted by SlurpTurnsMeGreen

You can still swap between your Ranked and Prestige (level) borders, and you'll finally be able to freely choose between any of the Prestige borders you’ve previously earned, not just the most current.

Borders without borders we love a progressive team

f*ck this is good

I'm stealing it for the patch notes when Challenges launches


Originally posted by Zarathielis

Does anyone else notice 7 item slots?

And is there a way to turn challenges off? I'm not that interested in them and some menus look a bit...overloaded (I hope that's the right word). But the new ranked borders look really pretty, especially the Diamond one

get off your smurf ben

er I mean hey Zarathielis! No plans for a seventh item. Updated image coming with the standard six slots + trinket; we've been exploring thoughts for what to do with the extra space but it won't be "hey you get to buy an extra item" cause that has way more impact beyond the scoreboard.

17 Sep


Originally posted by darkacesp

/u/MonstrousYi could you edit the post and put in the right graph from Aether?

no cause it's just a direct link to our article, /u/MonstrousYi is just doing the lord's work getting it over to reddit even though we did Yi dirty with that header image


Originally posted by 2th

Why do your localization teams need the same program? Why isn't as as simple as you making the correct chart and then your localization teams editing the image text? Percentages don't change across languages. Or did I miss that day in my math classes?

For graphs like this it's so they can open and edit the file; the numbers and labels are in fact just text layers. Otherwise it's more or less as simple as what you said, occasionally with some added steps for "you used a font that doesn't include our language's characters, idiot" and "our language's translation can't fit in that textbox, fool"


Originally posted by 10inchblackhawk

Man I figure if you afk for more than 2 games straight, you are intentionally tanking your rank.

Also, what kind of pie chart is this? 42% is like over 86%. According to the text, only 9% are in "consistent AFK behaviour" but the tier 3+ percentage is 24%

Update: these are the correct values provided by RiotAether. In case you want to see the wrong numbers, here is what it was before.

Oh boy I never get to talk about Marketing Asset Production, here we go

While we were writing the blog, /u/barackprobama sent over a graph that is not this graph. I mentioned to him that we could include it, but I needed it in an editable file format so it could be localized. Our loc teams don't have licenses for the tool he uses, so he had to go recreate it in a different program. Since this was all happening shortly before I needed to send everything off, rather than start from scratch he pulled the editable file from a previous graph. ...

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25 Jun


Originally posted by ThisIsSnake

Goddamn /u/RiotPhlox, this was a great read. THIS was the extended from the mind gameplay thoughts that we have been missing. Biggest difference I feel is that since Irelia changes is likely your work, the writing feels genuine.

I appreciated that Yetter had this impossible challenge of writing for entire teams of people at once on his own (!), and that always requires a distillation of the content to represent the larger team. But it ended up reading like singular paragraphs for the last while.

I'm really looking forward now to the future quick gameplay thoughts each dev puts out if it stays like this. Hopefully its more content, more topics, and more detail since a single poor soul is no longer burdened with the task every two weeks to come up with something.

This "diary" format is new for us and definitely enabled by the new model of rotating authors! We're not going to use it all the time - not every topic is going to be a deep dive into one specific set of changes that's been baking for a while - but we'll add it to our suite of options for sure.

22 Jun


Originally posted by IrrsinnIsReal

We know Gemstones and Hextech skins need some modernization, so we'll be transitioning Gemstones to a new rare (Mythic-themed) currency and releasing more exclusive content for it.

I wonder what exactly is meant now. Will all our hoarded Gemstones be worth nothing after the update or what? O.O

They'll be converted to the new currency!

14 May


Originally posted by ProEngineer3000

It... really doesn't feel like this post says much, honestly. Not saying it's good or bad, it just feels unnecessary.

True, especially for people who've been following along for a while and already understand counterplay and how we [[try]] to design for it. But even with the main audience being newer players who haven't had the counterplay conversation yet, I think it could still be a good stop-and-reflect moment for everyone. Even a reaction of 'sure, I guess' can mean that nothing in the post felt shocking, and that nothing felt conspicuously absent from it, either. It's a reconfirmation that we're gonna keep trying to do what we've been trying to do, rather than flip the table.

23 Apr


Originally posted by Rechulas

me, super excited for Mundo news and Roadmaps

"Oh I can't wait to look at this!"

Me, in my excitement forgetting that I can't read Chinese

"Oh. Right."

Images are super cool, though. The "Deity Invoker" Udyr looks f**king rad.

Hijacking top comment, this.... uh.... wasn't supposed to go up just yet. When the global release happens next week, Reav3 and co. will pop in to respond to your comments as usual! Make sure to ask your questions and share your thoughts in the new thread once someone wins the karma race once it pops up~

23 Mar


Originally posted by pluutia

Does anyone know if the upcoming prestige Lulu skin will be the last event to feature Prestige Points? I'm sitting on like 75PP and don't really want them to go to waste

No, it won't be the last event with Prestige Points. We published another small update about Prestige; relevant bit here is we ran into some blockers and had to push our timeline out. At minimum, Sylas and Pantheon will be receiving Event Prestige skins and Zed will be receiving a Prestige Point skin before the update. We still don't have a hard date to share so that list may expand further by the time all's said and done.

12 Mar


Hey all, this was a hefty blog so I wanna call out a link at the bottom to the Ask Riot question submission form to make sure it doesn't get missed. If there's a specific skin you want us to talk more about, submit it to that link. We think there'll be enough interest to do an Ask Riot followup in about a month, but need folks to put those clarification requests in so we know that interest is actually there, and which skins to cover.

(Storm Dragon Lee Sin gets discussed in ...

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10 Nov


Originally posted by -Jfree-

i recommend the audio version which is phreak streaming it right now which will also be 3 hours at least

Phreak can create an hour rundown out of a patch that's 5% this size, I expect 12 hours minimum for this.

01 Oct


Originally posted by bensimmonsismydaddy

Having to memorize a conversion chart seems like a worthless 'knowledge reward'.

I agree which is why I said I don't personally like it. I honestly don't think the knowledge reward thing should even be a serious consideration for or against a stat change like this because the impact of changing what items can or can't allow champions to do is so much more important it's like comparing the ocean to a drop of water. But as long as we're asking the question of "does this impact the skill test of cooldown tracking" (which again is not a worthwhile question to ask IMO because there's no world where the answer should impact whether we make the change or not), my take is this makes it harder and therefore more of a test, rather than easier and therefore less of a test.


Originally posted by LegendaryHooman

So the cap is 100...

I think it's possible to get more than 100. I haven't looked at full builds yet.


Originally posted by IsleOfOne

This way of thinking makes perfect sense for one’s own itemization.

But what about when it comes to identifying an enemy’s cooldowns? I can press tab, see their items, and know how much AH they have. But in order to know how long my window is to abuse Zed after he uses his W? Now I’m having to divide by decimal numbers, and even for a mathematician, that’s significantly more difficult than multiplying by 0.1/0.2/etc.

The enemy’s high-impact ultimate has a base cooldown of 40s. He has 35 ability haste. What’s his new cooldown? There’s certainly no way to find the answer with a simple “mouse-over,” as has been suggested when considering one’s own cooldowns.

The argument that AH is aligned with how AS works misses the mark. An auto attack is by nature lower impact than an ability. There is never a reason to know or care about an enemy’s attack speed—the only one who might care is that enemy himself. Plus, this type of scaling makes excellen...

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If anything I think it becomes a shade more knowledge-rewarding because of needing to know those conversions. You gave 35 as an example; because of the Karma E case I did above, I know that's about 25% CDR, and from there I can do the cooldown tracking math of Zed W like you mentioned.

I don't personally like that as a skill test, mind you, but I think it does count if we're trying to figure out if Haste adds a skill test or removes one.

30 Sep


My personal take is one of the subtle hurdles with switching from CDR to Haste will be that even though you want them for similar reasons, the way you think about them in your builds is pretty significantly different.

For a decade, we've thought about CDR in terms of a cap. If you care about cooldowns, 40% CDR is a clear target you really want to hit, but once you do, you don't want more. It also makes tradeoffs between items clearer, in terms of "I can't get all these items because then I'm overcapped, which ones will I take?" Crit is the other stat that works this way.

Now though, we'll think about Haste like Armor and MR. You can stack AR/MR infinitely, the literal exact number isn't monumentally important, and more is always better than less. I don't think most people think of Frozen Heart as "the 110-armor item versus 115 or 105", but rather as "the highest-armor item", "the AS-slow-aura item", "the armor item non-mana tanks feel sad about", or other qualitativ...

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26 Sep


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Can you consider renaming this series of posts to In Beddler with Meddler

Just gonna casually mention I'm missing about 360 skins from my collection and also (obviously completely unrelatedly of course) that all of Meddler's posts go through me as part of the publishing process, so how much is this idea of yours worth to you?

07 Aug


Originally posted by TuxSH

Currently, CD = (1 - CDR)*base_cd. What's the new formula for Ability Haste?

CD = base_cd / (1 + [AH/100])

IMO that formula's going to be mostly useful for determining uptime thresholds for specific abilities, since it's complicated to do on the fly. The easier way to think about ability haste will probably end up being:

Casts per base CD = 1 + [AH/100]

100 AH = 1 extra cast, or 50% cdr
200 AH = 2 extra casts, or 66.67% cdr
