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It seems like RIOT finally rewarded those who watched live how Bin had the first Pentakill in a World's final with a Chest and Key.


With almost a Week delay and many Posts on social media about this issue, this feels like "oops yeah we kinda forgot about rewards", but at least it is here.

I dont have it in the loot-tab yet, so it may take until tomorrow to be available in client

EDIT: got the chest now, got a King of Clubs Mordekaiser skin and a Chest in the Chest, in the second chest was a ward skin and 150 OE. better then a Champion Shard i guess

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over 4 years ago - /u/Riot5oda - Direct link

Hey everyone! We had a glitch with the Penta drop at Worlds so we had to re-drop it. You should see it in your drops page if you were logged in, opted in, and watching on lolesports.com at the time. I also wanted to say that we're listening to your feedback and hear you. While there are reasons for the challenges we had, we ultimately wanted to make something fun for Worlds during an unprecedented time and we're going to make some changes for the better moving forward. I can't thank you all enough for being part of the professional LOL scene this year and I hope we see you again for All Stars and beyond.

over 4 years ago - /u/Riot5oda - Direct link

Originally posted by press_R_now

If you don't mind me asking do you know why there wasn't anything like an update/notification that was like "Hey sorry, the Pentakill should've had a drop but there was an error and it will be coming later"

I feel like the majority of the criticism with drops was the silence that came with it especially with the Pentakill as it's the one thing most deserving of a drop but there was nothing about it (that I've seen tbf) until just now a whole 5 days later.

Heya. I am sorry about that...we were trying to tie up a few loose ends and make sure we captured everyone, and sadly we forgot to let everyone know until we could get it working. Hopefully getting it late was still okay.