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My god, she's so great in Path of Champions, I returned last month back to this game to find out that it got reworked, great!

This time, I can actually beat stuff and unlock champions without having to have them in PvP, and one of the first champions I unlocked was Gwen.

Gwen is the GOAT, she can heal your entire nexus, you just need to play a sh*t ton of hallowed units, fine by me.

Most of the matches against AI I don't even need my sweet Gwen. I can easily beat them with a 5/1 fearsome unit that they can't even counter, and when I get her, oh boy I go f*cking ham.

She's got quick attack, she's 3/4 that gains power when others gain power? Hell yeah! And she heals you 2 when you attack, that's nice. If you have something that increases her attack you can practically level her up in the first turn.

There's sometimes a problem that they just use 1/1 units and then your 10 attack champ just doesn't do anything to the nexus, BUT WAIT! There's a relic that gives you overwhelm! Or a rare relic that gives you, AND everyone else on board overwhelm, how about THAT! She's so satisfying to play, so much so that I basically don't want to play PvP anymore.

I don't even have 3 stars with her, at this point it just seems overkill.

I tried other champs and she's so far the best, with Jhin in second place.

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over 1 year ago - /u/Dan_Felder - Direct link

Welcome back to the game. :)