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I have played a whole bunch of TCGs in the past and I've been back and forth with runeterra for a while now. Some combos of cards, and individual cards, are broken af in my opinion, but I can get by and just deal with it since it doesn't happen too often.

But the one thing that irritates the ever living hell out of me, is multiple legendaries/champs on the board. Every other TCG I've ever played, limits this to ONE (1) copy of a legendary on the board, and if you so happen to have two, one will be taken off the board at the end of the turn.

Runeterra doesn't do this though, they not only allow it, but make it so easy to have this sort of thing happen regularly, by using FTR, Warmothers Call, Rekindler+Chronicler, etc. Anivia is by far the worst one that people use, but other decks use Trund/Trynd or Viego. Those are the most common ones I see, but either way, my main point is, once the opponent get multiples of these same champs on the board, it's practically impossible to comeback. I don't see how anyone can perceive this as okay or even balanced.

I really wish Riot would change this and make it so you can only have one on the board after each turn, to include any other forms the champ has to count towards this limit. Like, you want FTR or Rekindler to double up your champs? Okay, cool, but you better make that round count, cause you're going to lose one copy of each at the end. This would make it so you actually have to THINK about your plays more strategically, and capitalizing on opportunities as they come up. You shouldn't be allowed to just sit there with multiple champs and waiting for more copies to come down to attack.

As for counterplay, unless you happen to be running massive removals/silence, or direct nexus damage like with GP/Swain, most other decks can't even compete.

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over 1 year ago - /u/Dan_Felder - Direct link

Some other TCGs do this, but many don't. Yugioh, Pokemon, Hearthstone, Faeria, and many more come to mind. What matters from a balance perspective is whether you're paying a fair cost to get the added power of a legendary card. Having two copies of a legandary unit on the field is mostly just weird from a flavor perspective, not a balancing perspective. There are exceptions when duplicates of a card can cause problems of course, but that's not unique to the concept of a legendary unit.

over 1 year ago - /u/Dan_Felder - Direct link

Originally posted by East-Cantaloupe962

Even MTG has ways around it!

Yup. Mirror Gallery was popular in the kitchen table days. :)