Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

31 Jul


Originally posted by butt_shrecker

When can we get more emote slots?

More emote slots? Yeah, let’s do it! We have something in the works around that for release later this year.


Originally posted by tylerhk93

Hey all!

Love the game and happy to see it being supported! I think we as a community are still a little confused on the role of variety patches. I think we thought it would be a way to breathe new life into old archetypes, but at times it feels like the cards have been slotted in as teasers for the next expansion. Is this a consequence of the realities of how hard game development is or is this a goal of the variety card system?

Hi! The truth is variety patches are pulled in a number of different directions, partly because we work so far ahead on card sets. When we introduced them at the start of this year, they primarily drew cards that had been developed in parallel with upcoming sets, so they reflected a kind of teaser for the themes and mechanics for those sets. In the future, now that future variety patches are known to be a thing, we expect to lean a bit more into revitalizing old archetypes / providing cool new buildarounds. Hope that makes sense!

25 Jul


Originally posted by DevastaTheSeeker

If you didn't want to be critiqued about what is and isn't a bird don't put a subtype called birds in the game

One of the great things about Legends of Runeterra is that you get to play with fantastical creatures that don't exist in real life like dragons, fae, celestials, and birds.

24 Jul


During a meeting a Lead Designer ended a design discussion on with, "I'm not here for Runeterran Ornithology!"

Love this job.

Can anyone guess which card it was about?

External link →

02 Jul


Originally posted by Richieva64

Oh interesting I'll check out that article thank you!!! Yeah I can imagine it's just easy to communicate quickly with those archetypes even if it's not that accurate sometimes. By the way, congrats on the new expansion, I absolutely loved the design of the 3 new champions specially the flexibility of the origins of Neeko and Poro King, I've been trying them with all the regions and it's really fun!

Glad you're enjoying the game. :)


Thank you for being kind. :)


Originally posted by Richieva64

Timmy comes from the three archetypes of players from the lead designer of MTG:

Timmy is the guy who wants to play big creatures on curve and get big splashy but simple effects, hence the unga bunga.

Johnny is the guy who wants to experiment and brew crazy meme decks and combos, even if they don't win if they did "the thing" they won.

Spike are the hyper competitive players who just want to win with the best deck in the meta and play it perfectly.

This the article he wrote about it, it's very interesting, you start to see how many cards in MTG and LoR are usually targeting one of the 3 archetypes of players


If you’re interested in this, I suggest checking out the “Timmy, Johnny, spike Revisited” article. It’s often ignored and far more useful for designers.

I don’t personally use this framework often for my own work because it’s actively confusing unless you are deeply deeply deeply familiar with it (often people think a card is obviously for timmy when in reality it’s a spike card etc) but many designers are familiar with it so I end up talking about it a lot.


Okay wingless birds aside, do you want to be the one that tells him he can’t count as a bird? We lost enough interns to telling draven he was “too weak” and needed a buff.


I’ll have recruiting reach out to you shortly.

EDIT - Apparently “but did you nid-a-see this pun” is not an accepted justification for an emergency hire. :(

29 Jun


Originally posted by crimps_and_jugs

My question is, when you kill a disguised Neeko, do you know you killed Neeko?

Why would you want to kill Neeko?

I just don’t kill any 2 cost unit anymore, just to be safe.


Originally posted by IWantToHearFromYou

Not if you understood the reference.

/s stands for /simpsons

28 Jun


Originally posted by Michellozzzo


Now it's official, please report to your nearest Shadow Isle.

We'll be sending Thresh to collect you soon.

26 Jun


Originally posted by Grithok

Thank you for the reply! This is a little concerning, as while everything else is crafted to totally hide any information regarding neeko, it seems like it would be trivial to notice that they have played a created follower without having created any followers. Thus clearly being neeko.

Was this determined to be okay because it's an uncommon situation? It requires the neeko player to draw at least 3 specific cards (2 original neeko + the created one)

Yeah, you need to draw those 3 specific cards and roll a specific card as her disguise. It's not common at all.


Originally posted by Downside_Up_

If you copy Neeko through any "transform me into a copy of X follower" effects, will that copy ALSO be Neeko, or simply a copy of the disguise unit? For example, would Shady Character copying a Neeko-follower become just that follower, or also a Neeko-follower? Would assume the former.

Correct, it's the former. Her true identity is tied to the follower she was played as, copies of any kind are copies of the disguise only.


Originally posted by Grithok

Ah this is an interesting question. Rito said that if she picks cunning kitten, it doesn't count as created, but what if she herself is created? It will definitely come up quite a bit because of the champ spell is so hot in hand.

Paging u/bkopleck

It's thankfully straightforward: if she's not created, her disguises won't count as created. If she is created, like by her champion spell, her disguises count as created.


thanks for doing this, this is brilliant


Originally posted by Downside_Up_

Would that prevent you playing a new Neeko? Or does it still count as having a Neeko on the field?

A silenced disguised Neeko still counts as a Neeko, and any Neekos in hand will be still be champ spells until she leaves play.


Originally posted by KingAmo3

If disguise ends when the unit leaves play, would Junk Construct’s death effect trigger?

Yep! Last Breath will trigger.

25 Jun


Originally posted by SpyroXI

How does Neeko work as bitsy lizard? I'm guessing she still is neeko but stronger tomato 🍅, but the transform text suggests overriding. And what if she is minimorphed while disguised?

Correct! Neeko's true identity persists through all transforms.

A permanent silence like Minimorph will forever trap Neeko in her follower form. Any Neeko champ spells in hand won't transform back, however, as we didn't want to have this happen if the silence was temporary.

(but honestly at the point where your opponent is Purifying every 2 cost follower on sight, you've won the war)


Originally posted by CheesyJeevesYT

Apologies if this isn't the preferred place for questions, but would Cunning Kitten count as created in this interaction? I'm assuming not as it would also be a pretty big give-away, but thought I'd double check!

Cunning Kitten does not count as created in this case. Neeko's disguises are considered alternate forms that the card can take, like Frostcoat Mother is to Frostcoat Cub, or Shadow in the Brush for Ambush units.