
Lightseekers Dev Tracker

28 Jun

27 Jun


Hey not at all - we have moved distribution to in-house. We will post shortly when our store is live!

26 Jun



Now we know some of you avid Lightseekers have already picked up our latest Set: Uprising from your favourite store or at an event such as UKGE! However this Friday we will be opening our Shopify store for you to order directly from us. Keep an eye out for further news on this when we launch!

Gold Event 

We have the first SEALED Gold Event this weekend in Sheffield, with Uprising legal too.
If you haven’t signed up yet and want to join in the fun, there is still time! Check out more information here:

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21 Jun

19 Jun



Zone 5 for ‘A Colossal Find’ is now available; Colax the Historian has made his way to Lushlost Forest to investigate the colossi temple, but he is not alone.


This coming weekend will be Midsummer weekend, celebrating the Solar Maiden, Mina! From 12 PM Friday (UTC), June 21st, until 12 PM the following Monday (UTC), any Draft reward chests you open (except the Gold Champion chest) will also contain a guaranteed Astral card. Additionally, there will be a great deal on Common-Free Astral boosters in the store!

Bug Fixes

Anchored Soul now also protects Combo Buffs.

Ancestral Communion will no longer act unexpectedly if cards you play also draw cards or shuffle the deck.

Starhorn Tusker should no longer increase damage done if you don’t have access to Solar.

Treetop Tribunal can no longer be removed on its 4th corner.

Time-Jumper Rylox will now work correctl...

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18 Jun

14 Jun

13 Jun


Originally posted by lawlietthethird

I would reccoment not getting awakening starters as those cards are not legal in standard moving forward from the 28th of this month.

Aggro Tech is the easiest beginner deck to me. Using Tempuz and lots of attack cards to overwhelm the enemy.

Please make sure to go and scan a ton of tribute cards if your playing digitally as its free cards. there are youtube videos on tremendous youtube channel. like 400 scans per video is well worth your time to do atleast one videos worth of scans.

if you just want some digital cards the place to go is you can buy scans of cards to play with online for about 50 to 75% off the physical cost.

If you ever wanna chat find me on the discord im pretty active or on my stream most nights

Really good advice here!

12 Jun


Zone 4 for ‘A Colossal Find’ is now available; follow Captain Jolti’s rapid ascent to Commodore and how he and his crew ended up in Lushlost Forest. Our epic story continues week on week, and it’s free to play!

Other Changes

– A few bosses in regular Adventure Mode have been made easier:
     – Boss 35 – Umbron Spy
     – Boss 25 – Little Blammo
 – Gutbelch Tracker’s hero power has been changed for Zone 1 of ‘A Colossal Find’.


This coming weekend will be Dread weekend! From 12 PM Friday (UTC), June 14th, until 12 PM the following Monday (UTC), earn double XP when playing Dread and gain access to a fantastic Dread bundle in the store!

Bug Fixes

– Soul Storm is now properly considered a ‘Burn’ card.
– The Remove IV power card is now properly optional.

The post ...

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11 Jun

10 Jun


Since the release of Lightseekers’ latest expansion, Uprising, one of the most hotly debated cards in the community has been Cage of Oppression. So, we figured it’d be a good idea to talk about it.

Design Objectives

Why did we make Cage of Oppression? What were our intentions behind it?

Objective 1: It should be good into ‘stall decks’.


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08 Jun

07 Jun

06 Jun