@LonelyFisherman Thanks for the info
I can’t speak for my colleagues but I don’t mind being tagged to shift my attention to something as long as no one is spamming tags, so no worries^^
As for my weekend, I had a nice one, selfmade muffins, fried curry rice and deep fried chicken/aubergine as soul food for me and my better half
Also planning a move that has to be done within the next two weeks, so yay me^^
Overall stressful but nice.
To the topic itself, I am always happy for more feedback as is everyone and I’d like to put things a bit more into perspective.
@Fuchsicity Your perception and description of the inner processes here are wrong. CMs are not here to just take the blame and do nothing else. Feedback you give us is always forwarded and yes it is forwarded to the people who make the final decissions and not buried somewhere along the way
Overall I can understand that it sometimes feels like we do not take in feedback, because things take a while to change and not always change they way some of you suggested or would like to see. But here you have to understand we have a giant playerbase and a lot of different players giving feedback and ask for different things. It is near impossible to find any sort of change everyone is ok with. Also there are our internal plans and ideas as well as the ones smilegate has. So we have to gather all of that together and than think about our next action.
This not only takes time but also iteration…a lot of iteration. And many times the feedback from all the sides changes ideas multiple times. Now we also have to factor in the possibility of even doing stuff, the time and ressources it takes to do so, and so on and so on.
We change, we improve and we take in feedback, the CMs gather and forward it and make sure to show all the communities perspectives on different topics. But we can’t snap our fingers and magically change everything.
Things take time they always do especially if you want to do it the right way
So long story short @LonelyFisherman thanks for the data it is really appreiciated and absolutely not wasted time.
Also thanks to everyone else who gives us feedback over and over again, you have no idea how much that helps