over 2 years ago - Maselbart - Direct link

As the one who is being quoted here first of all thanks @Drudia for the translation it transports the general sentiment of what I said in German :slight_smile:

It is not about us not knowing what to do, this is simply an ongoing battle and I wanted to put things into perspective. If you read the entire thread and other discussions about the issue on the forum there are often missunderstandings. The most common is first “As a big company we should be able to do something” and “It can’t be that hard to ban bots”

What many don’t know is that first of all these bots are not made by single individuals but by organized companies employing professionals and second of all that bots are not made manually since there are scripts that create bots fast and 24/7. They need to be fought with our own automatisms which need to be developed and iterated.
But even a big company like us needs time, there’s no way around that and this time is seldom measured in hours or days but more in weeks.
Also every step we take of course causes the bot companies to iterate and adapt their bots, so this is an ongoing an complicated issue.

Long story short no of course we don’t give up :smiley:

over 2 years ago - Maselbart - Direct link

Thanks for all the recommendations and feedback although at some points I’d like to point out that feedback can still be given without insulting someone or their entire team :wink:

I’ll make sure to forward it to the team :slight_smile: