
Mordhau Dev Tracker

10 Nov


The Church doors can be constantly repaired. This was not intended and is an oversight. The ability to repair the door will be removed completely.

OPs team put banners and multiple engineers constantly repairing the door inside the church and made the Church unbreachable. This stalemate was kept for a long time. At the time that the moderator took action there was 1 minute and 30 seconds left on the timer, the moderator spawned inside the church and could not destroy the door, so after the warnings he thinned out the engineers. The attackers did manage to take the point but OPs team won the match on the next objective.

Whoever spawned inside the church via the banners could not leave; technically that also makes it banner griefing.

People in the match were complainin about the stalemate, and were thankful about the resolution.

The people that complained were the engineers.

09 Nov


Hello. I will keep this thread visible as no one was named yet, but will close comments. Such cases should not be appealed publicly as it quickly can lead to the mentioned witchhunting.

Please feel free to appeal the mute either via the Modmail bot on the official Discord server (, via the "Message a Mod" on this subreddit or via the [[email protected]](mailto:...

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25 Oct


Hi. I'd suggest you reach out to the tech-support forum on the official Discord server.
Direct link to the channel:

23 Oct



..Did I spook ya?

The Halloween event 2023 has begun!! The double XP and Gold rewards will continue on!!

The event will run from today, 23rd of October till the 5th of November, where you can use the "Shame Mask", and if you log in and get the "Executioner's Hood" it will be permanently unlocked on your account!! They can be found under the medium-armored and light-armored headgear tabs respectively. Get it while it lasts!

Happy Halloween everyone!!

External link →

This. I liked this. May I have another one, please.

20 Oct


Good news everyone! Double XP and Gold rates across ALL platforms for the Weekend! Topple that off with a 50% discount over on the Steam Store for MORDHAU and we have a good combo to celebrate the Patch #28 and Totenwald! The boost and sale is active now and will be running until the 23rd! We'll see you on the battlefield! Happy clashing!

External link →

Hi. The missing maps and the new map Totenwald will be coming to console in the future. It is now the priority but no ETA on it yet. We are currently optimizing Totenwald to improve its performance on consoles overall, that improvement will affect all platforms including PC.

18 Oct


Hi, video drivers up to date? I'd suggest hopping over to the Discord server and checking the tech support section.


Originally posted by Express_Adeptness_59

For some reason i didnt have an access to use arms from this set. All but no arms.

Hi, if this issue persists could you reach out to us either via the Discord modmail system or the "contact a moderator" button on this subreddit and provide your playfab so we can look into it. Thanks.

17 Oct


Originally posted by femboy-layer56555

The dev ran out of drugs let's gooo

This is for console to right

This patch is for PC only. The missing maps and the content of the patch #28 will be included in the Console release with a console-specific patch. The Console patch has priority now, but no ETA on it.


Originally posted by a_fucking_lemur

how am i ment to votekick annoying bow users and people who just yell racial slurs

Votekicking someone solely because they use bows is not a justifiable reason and will land you in trouble. Chat abuse is to be reported to the moderation team. (do not forget to use the playerlist command to show the players PlayfabID and that it is an official server)


Originally posted by mykl5

as a frequent Brawl player, why tf did they get rid of votekick

The votekick was heavily abused in those modes to kick the top-scoring player, since they are score-based modes. Some wanted to duel in the FFA servers and issued vote-kicks when someone did not comply; that landed them later in trouble.


Originally posted by TranslatorNo188

What the f**k is anti toolbox volumes smh

Areas where you can not place structures with the Toolbox.


Hello everybody! At last Patch #28 is live and can be downloaded!

You can check the Steam Announcement and the Patch notes here:

Alongside the Patch we have also updated the SDK and will include the content from patch #28!

As always feedback is welcome! Have a good one!

External link →

28 Sep


Edit: The issue has been resolved


We are aware of a connectivity issue regarding Epic Games accounts. Playfab and Epic Games have been notified and we are awaiting a resolution. We will keep you informed.

Thank you.

External link →