
Mordhau Dev Tracker

25 May


Originally posted by Bahlsen63

I just want to say, after years of fantasizing it, I finally have a fiber connection. I just couldn't play at all with weird ping where all animations felt accelerated, I couldn't keep up. Played some Mordhau yesterday and everyone was slow af in comparison.

Hi, are you perhaps on US West? If that is the case that region has some serious routing problems that are being looked at by the ISPs and our server providers.

08 May


Hello, the servers have been restarted this morning. Please let us know if the issue persists. Cheers.

06 May


We have pushed a hotfix removing the MOTD capabilities of community servers to remove the major safety risk. The build is live and you can download it. I will be closing this thread now. Thank you.

05 May


Hello Mordhau players, new and old! We have prepared a weekend event for you! All the Gold and Experience points gained in the game will be doubled! If you are one of the newer players that joined our community with the launch of Mordhau on the Epic platform, or one of the old guard still missing some of those vanity helms do not miss this opportunity to grind out some epic swag this weekend! The event starts now and will be going on until Monday! Bring your friends to the fray and split some skulls along the way!

External link →

03 Apr


Hello, thank you for reporting it. Does it actually replace the intended weapon or was the halberd added when the match starts? In any case kills with such weapons will not count towards progression, so it is a minor issue. I will inform the team regardless.


Hello, I hope the issue was resolved with a game restart. If that was not the case please join the official discord channel and open a tech support ticket there.

30 Mar


Hello. The suicide removal was on the whole Brawler group as that is just how the action was coded and the community servers were affected. We are working on separating it and disabling suicide in the Swordgame only and returning it to the other modes. Cheers


Originally posted by Counterflak

Disabled Suicide option in FFA, TDM and Swordgame to prevent kill denial

I hope this is a server side setting or its going to suck when you get stuck on some of the custom severs I've been on.

It was on the whole Brawler group and the community servers were affected. We are working on separating it and disabling suicide in the Swordgame only and returning it to the other mode.


Originally posted by Me_Like_Cats

Can't update

We are aware, Steam issues, looking into it.


Hello everyone! We are rolling out a hotfix. You can also read the change logs here!

Patch #27 - Hotfix 1 Changelog 30/03/2023


  • Female French and German voices are now working as intended


  • Disabled Suicide option ...
Read more External link →

Hello, this is the pommel that you click on, it is the emote that a bot checks to then give you permissions.

29 Mar


Originally posted by greciaman

Anyone having troubles with the new female voices (french and german)? Somehow they work for me in singleplayer against bots but not in online games, lol

Hi, that is a known issue yes, and will be patched in the hotfix. Cheers.


Originally posted by NorthernDeer29

Thank you.

After spending some time in the game found out new details: new free female voices are not working at all.

Others (old and new ones from DLC) can be used if player exits character customisation screen by clicking "back" in menu and not, for example, pressing "Esc" on keyboard

Yep, all customization does not save if you use escape instead of back, not only voices - will be fixed, and also the two new voices not working. Cheers.


Hi, the voices not working is a known issue yes. It will be patched in the upcoming hotfix!


He likes you, look at those longing eyes.


Hi, this will be patched in the upcoming hotfix. Thank you for letting us know.


Originally posted by TotalImagination4408

I dont get it, why add a Feature to change the most easiest thing in the game, when the PlayerList command has been bugged for some people for so long? They could have easily put a Button to access the PlayerList command there, but they instead decided to make it change the Camera Perspective, which even has its own button on the Keyboard (P) already. Why???

As stated elsewhere it is a feature for controller users and yes, people use the controller to play the game on PC.


Originally posted by NorthernDeer29

Female voices stopped working except for "Cruel". Fix the game please EDIT: or is the only working voice "Noble"? Not sure, didn't play with it before

The voice issues are now known and should be patched in the hotfix.


Originally posted by webodessa

After the release, a bug in the server select UI prevents seeing the number of players on the 16:10 screen resolution. screenshot:\_Shot\_2023-03-28\_at\_10.33.26\_AM.png

Thank you, reported.