
Neverwinter Dev Tracker

23 Feb

FYI I am carving out time next week to finish the QOL CDP and start a new one. Sorry for the delay. Chris

12 Jun

Thank you all for your patience as the team too the time to discuss all the feedback and put together a comprehensive write-up. Issues Raised in CDP: Seasoned veterans pub-stomping newcomers who are not equipped with Best in Slot gear A desire for separate PvP ability balance and gear that can be used Complaints about artifacts and Mount Powers. Pay to Win Complaints More game Modes requested: Deathmatch, Capture the Flag Solo Queue and Group Queuing Rewards from playing PvP are bad outside of the season rewards, and do not help a player get better gear for PvP Matchmaking does not take class into effect. It will sometimes create a team of only healers and tanks with no DPS, or put a bunch of DPS without any tanks. Respawn timers need some looking into. It feels random. Overall Problem: Our current PvP approach doesn’t work for the majority of our audience which results in low PvP populations. Some of the concerns raised in the CDP are a direct result of this. For exa... Read more

23 Mar

Closing this thread temporarily.

11 Mar

I know its a bit late with regards for adding to this thread, but I have the following questions about the CDP, which I think clarifying would help us moving forward to provide better feedback if we knew the answer to. What phase of development do you want us to focus our feedback on? Do you want feedback on planning, feedback on design, or just small modifications to the final product to be our main focus. Right now you are responding to near enough every post (which is great) and are often saying you agree, or disagree with the idea of a post. Often though (and this is particularly evident when you agree with something), you do not comment on the implementation. This leads to a lot of hopes being built up, when you may just be agreeing with the problem that needs to be solved, and not with the proposed solution. The benefit of programs like this is, if they work then they are a great way to build trust in a community. However, the downside is, they remove the "customer - corporat... Read more
Hi All, I haven't read the thread yet (I have skimmed it). Thanks all for taking the time to comment and share your thoughts, ideas and concerns. Now that the CDP CDP thread is closed I will be reading the entire CDP PVP. Upon closure of this CDP (not sure when) Rob and Julia will present their thoughts and summary of the CDP to the leads and then following some discussion I will put a proposal together and post it in the thread. Chris
Hi All, Thanks for all your time and effort in this CDP it has been a really interesting and tumultuous discussion but i think we got there in the end. Here is the proposal (And as per @"gromovnipljesak#8234" post above it will be stickied along with a high level description of the CDP Goal, Mission and Pillars: Phases (Topic Name Will be updated to reflect each stage of the CDP) 1: Phase 1: Posting of Ideas and related questions (not discussion) (Tag Ideas with simple naming conventions such as Idea 1, Idea 2 and so on. If someone posts before you do and the number order is wrong just go and edit the latest Idea with the correct number). 2: Phase 2: Discussion but not argument for the sake of it with more management of conversational direction and topics by me (CDP members can pick ideas for discussion as well). 3: Phase 3: Top 3 with a single sentence of why for each line item. Conclusion: Proposal Regarding Phase 1 Format: Heading (Idea number)>Goal>Why>What>Concerns and Conside... Read more

10 Mar

I am not sure if its possible to change the thread title to Phase 1 -> Phase 2 -> Phase 3 during a phase but that might more clearly delineate the phases. Also, if someone wants me to draft up examples of how the different forum formatting tools can be used to help make posts more readable, with some template examples of an unformatted post vs a formatted post, I do not mind to do so. Yes good idea. We will do that. Chris
Morning All, We have one more day left before this CDP closes so I wanted to update the proposal I put forward following reading this CDP and see if we can get agreement and any further polish to the proposal as required: Phases 1: Phase 1: Posting of Ideas and related questions (not discussion) (Tag Ideas with simple naming conventions such as Idea 1, Idea 2 and so on. If someone posts before you do and the number order is wrong just go and edit the latest Idea with the correct number). 2: Phase 2: Discussion but not argument for the sake of it with more management of conversational direction and topics by me (CDP members can pick ideas for discussion as well). 3: Phase 3: Top 3 with a single sentence of why for each line item. Conclusion: Proposal Regarding Phase 1 Format: Heading (Idea number)>Goal>Why>What>Concerns and Considerations (Try to limit to 400 words) (Spoiler functionality is welcome should a member want to provide more detail in any of the above headings). Overall B... Read more

09 Mar

@"cwhitesidedev#9752" Thanks for the clarification and recap Chris. Sorry if I got off track. I have a question about two of the subtopics / focus items listed. What kind of feedback are you looking for as it pertains to "Expectations of the CDP" and "Choice of Discussion Topics" ? I gave "Choice of Discussion topics" a shot above, but I'm not sure that is what you were looking for. As far as expectations go I think the recap in your last post helped me refine my expectations. The open exchange of ideas and access to you and your staff via this CDP have met and exceeded all of my expectations. Anything more that comes from this exchange is icing on the cake IMO. Just knowing that we are being heard and that our input is being considered is more than I could have hoped for. Thank you for this CDP initiative and your efforts, they are appreciated. You didn't get off track at all. I just posted quoting you because others had asked again for a recap of the high level goal, mis... Read more
@"rainer#8575" Thanks again for all of your contributions to the community. I know what you do takes a lot of time. I'm sitting here waiting on a city building inspector so I have a bit of extra time today. @Spelldazer In reference to CDP3Spelldazer3 #Format #Scoping. I like this idea, but I think this is sorta how Phase 1 was supposed to work anyway. I have a feeling that when we started the CDP people didn't realize how many phases there were so they tried to fit everything into their first post. Chris / Julia often gives us some direction via sub topics and areas to focus on but I have a feeling that many members skip over them in a rush to post their idea, or are confused by the wording of some of the sub topics / focus items. For example in this CDP: Duration of topics and the different phases of each topic (For example, some topics have been 2 weeks while others have been 3-4) Choice of discussion topics Structure of the thread (For example, a thread is left open durin... Read more

08 Mar

@"cwhitesidedev#9752" In regards to your comment above, i still think there should be no strict requirements regarding the format and the general emphasis should be on Suggestion/Idea Advantages and disadvantages The reason is that and as you shall see, it won't be followed and in the event it isn't, what are the consequences? I also think that late comers should be allowed to make suggestions in phase 2 but the emphasis however will be on critiquing older suggestions. This way the CDP will continue through its normal process and at the same time, we are not limiting new suggestions to phase 1 only. It would be useful if there was a way to identify posts with your proposals because we are still in phase 1 and you have already made a proposal. I am wondering how and if someone who just joined the CDP, will not miss your proposal/s? Any way for you to highlight your comments that are of high importance? I agree with off-topic and heated debates to be strictly monitored. I wou... Read more
A bit late to the party - was busy making summaries :tongue: - but in my opinion the phases could be enforced very easily via the ideas/proposals from others previously. 1) Create a subforum for each CDP 2) In phase 1, allow people to create threads in that subforum. The thread title has to be a one-liner of the idea (1 idea per thread!). When a thread is created - auto close it immediately to prevent discussion. In case people have very much the same idea or extremely related, think of merging the threads so discussions on the same idea are not in multiple places. 3) When phase 2 starts, open all threads, now people can dig into ideas. Optionally: leave certain topics closed, but make sure to leave a reply why it stayed closed (not feasible idea / offtopic / completely against when cryptic can do etc. - say why) 4) Voting can be done in a seperate voting thread created by the devs. This thread should ONLY have voting without an explanation why you vote for something. Your reasoning i... Read more
Hi All, Regarding Phase 1 Format: Heading (Idea number)>Goal>Player Value Proposition>High Level Functionality/Description>Concerns and Considerations (Try to limit to 400 words) (Spoiler functionality is welcome should a member want to provide more detail in any of the above headings) Can I recommend if you are going with that format, rewording that format to: Objective Why How Risks It is the same format, but it is easier to read so from a "language accessibility" point of view, there is less confusion about what is meant by it. Hi All, Question: Many of you want a clearer delineation between phases but I don't think it is a good idea to create new threads for each phase simply because of the amount of clicks required to reference data. On the other side the formatting options aren't great here so what other ideas do we have to show clearly where one phase ends and one begins. Note this isn't a summary it is a proposal. So with that in mind what am I missing, what do... Read more
Hi All, Happy Sunday! Lets get back no on topic please. As clearly defined in the proposal for CDP 1 and 3 and in the road map we will be investing in large narrative driven experiential arcs, episodic delivery where the world/experience evolves, multi tiered content in terms of challenge so more players have access to narrative/experience, and more of a focus on horizontal content outside of mods. All intent and we will work together on the execution as we move forward (I expect high demand for CDPs on these areas once we start deploying episodes- I don't think we will get them to a point whereby we are all happy with them this year. We will see) So in regard to what I have read so far regarding formatting and best working practices I would propose the following: 1: Phase 1: Posting of Ideas and related questions (not discussion). 2: Phase 2: Discussion but not argument for the sake of it with more management of conversational direction and topics by me. 3: Phase 3: Top 3 with a s... Read more

07 Mar

In previous initiatives I have been part of like our CDP members of the community would do summaries every 3 pages. If we reduce the amount of argument for the sake of it and Focus on no discussion during Phase 1 I think that will help a lot. I agree with the above and i hope over time the CDP members can work as a team and help each other. @"cwhitesidedev#9752" I hope the below is of some help. While we are it, here is the Summary below of the most common suggestions discussed. To introduce a Stack exchange like forum where replies within the CDP thread can have comments within them, and those comments are to be collapsible. Some have pointed out that in-depth replies should have a summary and the in-depth body to be collapsible. The reasoning is that long, complicated and in-depth suggestion can more often confuse players rather than help them to understand the objective of the suggestion. So if for example, we can encourage players to collapse 80% of their in-depth comme... Read more
I would like us to strive toward a word limit (be concise) at the very least in Phase 1. Chris @"cwhitesidedev#9752" Hey Chris, i was wondering if it could be possible that someone could summarise the different ideas/suggestions in phase 1 before phase 2 starts? Part of me and i hope many others, learns immensely from other suggestions and then expanding on those suggestions. I believe in an evolving discussion but i am against CDP participants to be arguing over their suggestions. Disagreeing and agreeing doesn't necessarily result into evolving of a discussion. What does is the constructive feedback, and whilst such heated discussions have some feedback, the rest of the 90% is actually argument for the sake of argument. If you don't like a suggestion, I believe you should tell your reasons (don't even need to quote most of the time) and move on and whilst being guilty of the same, i do believe i should strive to limit the number of my posts and word limit when necessary but i hop... Read more
I have posted about having alternate ways to give feedback ideas before, but at the time it was a bit off topic so got moved. Now its seems like a more appropriate time :) I am an extremely shy person. Its very hard for me to come to the forums to post. When admitting this previously, I was told that it "was the internet" and game forums were some of the least friendly places. I do not accept that I should have to don the "garb of the troll" in order to participate in constructive feedback in a game I loved and played for years. (you have my permission to create this item in-game :P) You had mentioned that it would take a lot of convincing that people that didnt participate in the CDP could offer useful feedback. I would like to say, that I am confident that my knowledge of the game would rival any other player in the game. I run a guild and pride myself on being able to answer any question someone puts out to me. We have/had (mod 16 almost killed us off) a website where we posted ... Read more
Quote Hey Chriss Why you not give sample, one of staff in house messages. Why we even bother to make new format, if we can simply use staffs format. Aslo we would know how much we should go with our comments. This current CDP topic is about finding best format which would work best for staff and community.. So I would like to hear/see some of staffs sample here too. Staff are part of CDP too. TIme to them say something. After all you guys will have to read all these messages.. So we should know what format is better for you too. :) Best regards: Hades Will do Hades. Probably Monday. Chris
I am going to take a break from CDP I think for today and tomorrow. Sorry folks. Chris
While studying Design Thinking, I complained to an instructor that the devs I was working with were limiting their customer engagements to online forums and refusing to do any proper research because they "don't have time". The instructor agreed with me but pointed out that ANY engagement with actual customers is better than the devs sitting in their office and pulling ideas out of their bottoms. In my view and experience, the CDP is exactly that same old song and dance...a poor, limited substitute for proper design process, be it Design Thinking, User Centered Design or any other UX methodology that is known to work effectively. I feel the CDP is a time-suck for everyone involved and time that you, Chris, and the devs could and should spend on more effective means of customer engagement. My feedback on CDP is: stop and work differently, preferably with an experienced expert/coach advising you. (Not angling for a job here, I am retired and have no contacts to give you. It's just me s... Read more