
Neverwinter Dev Tracker

04 Mar

I think that the only problem is the usual required formats. I can't figure out how to write things with these requirements. It's really annoying :( Lets brainstorm better formats. Whilst doing so we currently work in 3 phases: Phase 1: Ideas/Discussion Phase 2: Drilling and Design Phase 3: Top 3 Conclusion: Proposal Thanks Chris
A problem with CDP itself would be that we wouldn't know the impact of our feedback - it would be nice that in the last post, you add what changes are going to be considered in full, and so on. Eg, Fabricant has suggested lotsa things, and I'm wondering how you're gonna address those concerns. Create a timeline for progress you're achieving through CDP is my idea. Furthermore, themes, as RJC suggested, should maybe be polled? Hey Grom, We do this in the CDP. They are the proposals at the end. Is the issue that CDP members post after the proposal and so it gets hidden? Thanks Chris
My main problem with this idea that it misses the point of influencing or just really, community... But also, you went from "people shouldn't be said to like something" to "all comment deemed out of merit shall be removed" which means, you pretty much don't want to have a community discussion about it, but an effectively barred discussion with the few "meritful". A person's influence (yours, mine, or anyone's else) should not be a factor in deciding the eligibility of an idea. People should not vote for ideas based on the person posting the idea, or because they were told to vote for it by a friend or streamer, that directly undermines the purpose of the CDP. Almost all voting systems are flawed and if you want me to, I can provide examples of the failures of the voting system of your choice. But, probably most importantly, when clicking an agree button meant anything other than just wasting a post articulating the exact same thing? Maybe Chris tells us that actually the rate o... Read more
The primary reason for my lack of interest in CDP over time has been because of two things: 1) Too many off topic posts 2) Not even a single suggestion to this date has been implemented in game. You need to provide some confidence boost by at least implementing one thing that has been suggested and agreed in the CDP, or else what is the guarantee that all the time and effort spent on my suggestions will come to fruition? As for the former, If you were to keep a system of rating where a person ( I can name a few but i wont) that prolong and clump the thread with unnecessary posts about their previous life history in the game, then that would help players with limited time on their hand to skim read the thread and get a general idea of the discussion and the pace at which it is going. Moreover, you may want to brainstorm about limiting word count of each post and even the number of posts per day by an individual in the CDP topic. The main reason for this is simple, the CDP should be a... Read more

03 Mar

Hey folks! Heads up that we are hoping to have a Driftwood Tavern stream on Tuesday, March 10, where @"rhroudadev#5641" joins in to discuss this CDP and take some questions.
For the latest CDP, we are running two topics concurrently in two separate threads. The topic for this specific thread is the Collaborative Development Program itself. For the other current CDP topic (PvP), please go here. We have now run 3 separate CDPs and are looking for feedback on how to improve and evolve this program. Several suggestions have already been presented in past discussions and our goal is to better gather all input to develop an action plan. The different aspects of the CDP include: Duration of topics and the different phases of each topic (For example, some topics have been 2 weeks while others have been 3-4) Choice of discussion topics Structure of the thread (For example, a thread is left open during the full duration of the discussion phase vs. closing it periodically to do “thread so far” summaries) Feedback format (How can the feedback be presented in an organized and structured manner while not being constraining?) Expectations of the CDP For this ... Read more
For the latest CDP, we are running two topics concurrently in two separate threads. The topic for this thread is Neverwinter PvP. This includes: The current state of PvP (what PvP options are available vs what modes you’d like to see) The purpose of PvP (what motivates different players to engage with PvP) PvP Rewards & Leaderboard PvP Campaign PvP Seasons Intersection between PvP and PvE in terms of classes, gear, builds, etc. The goal for this topic is to work together in identifying the needs, priorities, and potential action plans for Neverwinter PvP. The first phase of this topic will be the discussion phase, followed by a second phase where people will identify their top 3 points. From there, a summary/proposal will be put forward. For information on the purpose of CDP discussions, please go here. Note: Using the feedback format below allows us to better identify commonalities/differences and generate summaries and proposals more efficiently. As a reminder, the for... Read more

13 Feb

11 Feb

UPDATE: We plan to share our first pass road map this week.

07 Feb

First of all, sorry engilish is not my prime language, so gramar or spelling mistakes may happens(or not). I have opitions about various parts, (realated to reawards), so I will split my post in parts(do not expect same style as fabricant did, I have no time for it. Now also need to note one major thing> These are mine feedbacks and opinions, if you don't like them, sorry, but this post is not meant to please some or specific group of players. This CPD is with intention to make game great, not build game arround or for specific group of players.. I have feedback about few things, so I will split them in groups. 1) Invocation Overview Invocation system need rework, update or even complete overhaul. Goal: Make invocation account wide and provide decent rewards for players who play this game. Functionality:: Need to make so invocation would be counted account wide, so players would not have to keep switching between alts, just for invocations. Also, need so inv... Read more

06 Feb

This is it for me today (Time constraints). I will be continuing tomorrow and reading any new posts tonight. Thanks Chris
@"cwhitesidedev#9752" I've seen you use the term Alternate Advancement on more than one occasion. Are you looking towards a system similar to what EverQuest used? If so, I'm not upset at all. That was a great system but, don't make it so that all of our overlow exp goes into that system just so we can make some sort of meaningful progress in it. Otherwise, it's a great system in my opinion. Yes (-:
FEEDBACK CONTENT: dungeon loot rewards FEEDBACK GOAL: dungeon and item system of neverwinter Me and my mates/friends don't admire the loot/reward system of neverwinter. Let's start with the standing of a "DUNGEON" (or trial, skirmish,...): Usually dungeons are a very specific thing. They are hard challenges and some highlights of the game. So it should be like "I am doing the whole week my dailys and prepare my equip to run at the weekend a dungeon with my friends". But in Neverwinter dungeons are the daily content. To get the main currency to improve the equipment we have to run dungeons (in random queues) every day. So they are nothing special anymore. And they are pretty easy. So what to do after the daily dungeons? Nothing. Because the old dungeons are easy and boring (because of running them every day). Why should I run FBI after my daily routine? There are no rewards and no fun. So let's come back to the topic (rewards). There should be hard mode versions of dungeons. Differe... Read more
Masterwork Profession First of all, I would like to Express my desire to see things for companions in the new crafting. Things must be either analogous to things from expeditions(1010 level) or better quality. Different variations of things with different stats and slots for stones. The range of crafting can be expanded, for example, with consumables of all types. You can list them, starting with leaflets from the Tower of the Mad Mage, ending with signs for improving things. About tablets: make a likeness of omuan tale carving, but for crafting things. For example, there was a major update, where new armor was introduced. And with the help of these tale carving, you can raise the level of a thing to the actual one. Also very concerned about the relevance of crafting - will it become useless again in a short period of time? Very important, as for me, is the relevance of resources collected from maps. For example, in all previous crafts, we encountered the fact that Gold Ore was nee... Read more
✪ Part 3 – Campaigns as optional content. Feedback Overview. Old campaigns have the problem that, for the most part, once you have the boons you have no reason to go back to them. In addition to that however, they also have the problem that until you do have the boons you feel compelled to run them. Feedback Goal. • Provide a reason to run old campaigns after obtaining the boons, without feeling compelled to do so. • Provide a reason for new players to run campaigns. • Make campaigns feel optional and fun, rather than compulsory activities. Feedback Functionality. The way I would resolve this issue is by adding new rewards to campaign daily quests after a player has completed the campaign. These rewards would either be in the form of RP, RAD or materials used for guild upgrades. The purpose of this is twofold, one to incentivize a player to run through this content and keep it relevant post its sell by date and the second is to provide an upgrade path to new players. In addi... Read more
This topic I have been waiting for and I have a lot to say on this topic but I don't know where to start. I also just want to say, there are no bullet points this time because I want to express my experience to make my points on these topics. So if I sound salty, or attacking, it is just the frustration I have behind these experiences. A1. First I suppose I want to get this idea out of the way. Why should a character that has spent a lot of time, astral diamonds or even money on progression, to have all that effort and success taken a way? My main character is a Cleric and if I run Lomm on my Devout build, I can actually do significant damage to the monsters. Even though technically the Devout build isn't meant to deal damage, it can. But if I run Cragmire Crypts, my damage goes to basically nothing even thought this dungeon is so old, I shouldn't be reduced to nothing. You have stripped the fun out of progression or any progression by stripping the character running older content. ... Read more
I'd like to focus on a very important point raised by @thefabricant on part 6: bound items should absolutely not depend entirely on RNG. Feedback Overview: Important Bound on Pickup items/gear should always have at least one way to be obtained deterministically (i.e. not depending luck) Feedback Goal: Reduce frustration caused by bad luck, always rewarding players with some progress after they complete some piece of content Feedback Functionality: All content that has a chance to drop bound gear or other useful bound items should also have a system tied to it where players can get the same items deterministically. Many different approaches can be taken to create such a system, like: - Currency/store approach: completing the content will always grant players a certain currency and, if you didn't get your desired item by luck, you can use your collected currency to buy it. This approach already exists in-game for the Lionheart (ToMM) Weapons. - Quest approach: completing the content... Read more
✪ Part 7 – Slots in Items. Feedback Overview. This is not directly related to rewards and progression, but it goes hand in hand with streamlining by making it more convenient to use multiple items, thus actually promoting item choice. The current slot system for enchantments is antiquated and can be greatly improved. Feedback Goal. Make it easier to swap between items. Make the user interface for changing enchantments more friendly. Make the user interface helpful for colour blind people. Feedback Functionality. Remove slots from items, instead embed them into the UI. Changing items changes the type of slots available or enables/disables slots. For example, if you have a radiant enchantment slotted in an offensive slot and you switch to an item with a defensive slot in that area, it swaps the effect from offensive to defensive. If an item is not slotted, the slots are disabled for that piece. Its recommended with this system, to remove the gold cost from unsock... Read more
✪ Part 6 – Chase Items. Feedback Overview. Improve the design for chase items, both through crafting which currently has no chase items and through item drops. Feedback Goal. Ensure that the hunting of chase items is a fun process and not a frustrating one. Provide incentive to go after chase items. In some areas, add an element of risk and reward for the creation of chase items. Allow for the revitalization of old items. Feedback Functionality. Whilst the M17 implementation of chase items is good, it is possible to do it better, especially in the implementation of crafted chase items which Neverwinter has never really had. Here are (in my opinion) some important rules. Chase items should not be gated behind drop RNG unless they are also unbound. Going after items like Shadowstalker rings is frustrating, not fun. ToMM rings are an excellent implementation. Chase items should not be rewarded from levelling content and should be adequately challenging in contrast... Read more