almost 3 years ago - Kay - Direct link

Hey there, world merges are on the horizon, but require additional scale testing before we are confident enough to use the tech on the live worlds. As you can imagine given the first few rocky weeks, we are using an over abundance of caution here.

Keep an eye out in the official news area for an update from our Community Managers on this in the near future.

almost 3 years ago - Kay - Direct link

There is hope. Stay tuned.

almost 3 years ago - Kay - Direct link

Tbh there is never a moment where we don’t think about it, and are actively working on it.

Our Community managers will keep folks updated when we are ready to make those adjustments.

almost 3 years ago - Kay - Direct link

I highly encourage all of you to join the US East or EU Central PTR worlds to help us test world merges before we bring them live. More details included in this chonky dev blog update:

almost 3 years ago - Kay - Direct link

While I usually don’t respond to posts that are off topic for the thread, this is something we are very concerned about - it sucks big time - I do want your buddy to know that we have a fix coming in soon for everyone left in the Immobilized state. It needs final validation testing but we are super close.

almost 3 years ago - Kay - Direct link

I am not able to do that, no. Only Customer Support and Moderation have those tools.

almost 3 years ago - Kay - Direct link

If you’re only interested in helping us test the merge:

Create a character in the US East or EU Central PTR world.

Create a company, add some money to your treasury.

Put items in your storage.

Put up both buy and sell orders on the trading post (min 7 days for post)

Grab some quests/missions and make some progress on them. Don’t complete them yet.

Note the status of all those things before you log out.

Log back in on Monday after the merge.

What is the status of your character? We’re all items in the trading post returned to your inventory? Is there still money in your company treasury? Quests still in progress?

Complete one of the quests you made progress on.

Log off, wait at least 5 minutes. Log back in and make sure your progress has been saved.

If anything is off, post in the dedicated PTR merge thread that our Community Managers are setting up.

almost 3 years ago - Kay - Direct link

That’s not exactly what it says. We aren’t giving you another free transfer yet. If you haven’t used your transfer token yet from the first round of free tokens, that can be used any time, regardless of merge status for your world.

It also says we are targeting another round of transfers by end of year, and will keep folks updated.

almost 3 years ago - Kay - Direct link

It means we aren’t offering a second free transfer immediately after the merge (something folks in the forums have been asking for). If you still have your original free token, you can use that at any time regardless of world merge status.

almost 3 years ago - Kay - Direct link

We are working through edge cases before we open server transfers back up. It’s covered in the post linked above too.

almost 3 years ago - Luxendra - Direct link

We have our first server merge slated for Wednesday. [Notice] Server Merge Mardi and Brittia - Central EU

This will be the first merge we attempt on the live game so the team will be monitoring this closely to ensure that it progresses smoothly.

almost 3 years ago - Kay - Direct link

Hi everyone,

We have tested world merges internally as well as in the November PTR. Both have given us good data as well as areas that needed to be addressed before attempting merges in the live game.

All internal testing has been exhausted which means it is time to verify the feature works on a live world.

This week we are testing two scenarios: (1) a single merge, meaning two worlds become one, which has already been announced/scheduled, and barring any surprises, (2) a full set merge where all worlds within a set merge into one world.

Details on the latter (#2 in the list above) are pending, but I hope to have that information out to folks by end of day tomorrow. Keep watch on the Official News section for updates.

Either the Community Managers or myself will update you early next week after we have had time to review/address the results of the completed merges.


almost 3 years ago - Kay - Direct link

Due to the Amazon service issue, we have to delay our first merge by one day to Thursday AM (PST). If the Community Managers haven’t posted something about this already, they will. It’s been a wild day, and I’m sorry for those that didn’t get to play or had other concerns come up today. :confused:

We are also moving ahead, again barring anything that would make us pause coming from the Thursday merge, with two full or nearly full set merges (this is merging within a set, not across) on Friday.

As far as I’m aware, the two sets that are getting merges on Friday are: Vanaheim Terra and Nibiru Mu. Again though, I would wait for the CM message in official news for the final details.